
Wednesday 31 January 2024

The Green Man: Esoteric Wisdom and Natural Symbolism

The Green Man, a ubiquitous figure in art, architecture, and folklore, embodying esoteric meanings and natural symbolism. Often depicted as a face surrounded by foliage or a figure with leaves sprouting from its mouth, the Green Man has become a potent symbol of nature, renewal, and esoteric wisdom.

The origins of the Green Man can be traced back to ancient times, with roots in various cultures and mythologies. From the Celtic Cernunnos to the Roman Silvanus, and the medieval foliate heads adorning Gothic cathedrals, the archetype of a face entwined with foliage has manifested across civilizations. This archetypal figure symbolizes the inseparable connection between humanity and the natural world.

At its core, the Green Man is a symbol of nature's cyclical renewal and the eternal rhythm of life, death, and rebirth. The lush foliage that envelops the Green Man's visage represents the regenerative power of vegetation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things with the cycles of the seasons.

In esoteric traditions, the Green Man is often associated with deeper spiritual meanings. The intertwining of human and plant forms represents the union of the earthly and the divine, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between the material and spiritual realms. Some interpret the Green Man as a guardian of esoteric knowledge, a keeper of ancient wisdom that transcends the boundaries of conventional understanding.

Within alchemical symbolism, the Green Man is seen as a representation of the transformative processes inherent in the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. The alchemical journey involves the cyclical stages of purification, dissolution, and rebirth—an allegory mirrored in the Green Man.

The Green Man is often revered in Pagan and Wiccan traditions as a deity or spirit embodying the spirit of the forest. Celebrated during festivals like Beltane, the Green Man represents the masculine aspect of nature's fertility. During these rituals, participants may don masks or portray the Green Man to symbolize the vibrant energy of the natural world.

In contemporary contexts, the Green Man has experienced a resurgence in popularity, embraced by environmentalists, eco-spiritualists, and those drawn to Earth-centered spirituality. The symbolism of the Green Man resonates in efforts to reconnect with nature, promote ecological awareness, and foster a deeper understanding of humanity's place within the intricate web of life.

The Green Man's visage can be found adorning medieval churches, Gothic cathedrals, and ancient manuscripts. In these depictions, the figure serves as a guardian of sacred spaces, a reminder of the sacredness inherent in the natural world. Modern artists also draw inspiration from the Green Man, creating vibrant representations that blend traditional symbolism with contemporary interpretations.

In essence, the Green Man embodies the symbiosis between humanity and the natural world. In ancient mythologies, esoteric wisdom, and contemporary ecological consciousness, the Green Man is a powerful symbol of the interconnectedness that binds all living things to the cycles of life, growth, and perpetual renewal.

Creating A Protection Sigil

Hi everyone, I mentioned in my astral travel guide the need for a protective sigil to use against any entities you encounter that might seem to want to cause you harm.

I use the Ordo Infinitus Orbis sigil, which has become very powerful over the years and serves as a protective force for those who belong to the Order. It contains the flower of life, which is a powerful symbol in its own right.

If you feel drawn to the OIO sigil you can use it yourself, but it must be memorised, so that you can imagine it and project it towards any entities in the astral. It can also be worn on clothing and placed on your Altar or around you, for protection at any time. You don't have to be a member of the Order to use it for protection if you are in tune with the THEOLA 333 current of magick. You can buy items with the sigil on in my art shops.

Here I am going to show you how to create your own protective sigil, that you can charge and imbue with magick yourself.

Creating a protection sigil can be a personal and empowering process. Sigils are symbols imbued with intention, and they can serve as a powerful tool for protection. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create your own protection sigil:

Materials Needed

Pen and paper or a drawing tool of your choice.

A quiet and focused space.


Set Your Intention

Clearly define the purpose of your protection sigil. Is it for physical safety, emotional well-being, or spiritual protection? Be specific about what you want to achieve.

Choose Your Statement

Condense your intention into a concise statement. Use positive language and present tense. For example, "I am safe and protected in all aspects of my life."

Remove Vowels and Repeating Letters

Write out your statement and remove all vowels and repeating letters. This leaves you with a string of unique consonants.

Create The Sigil

With the remaining consonants, start combining and overlapping them to create a unique symbol. There's no right or wrong way to do this; let your intuition guide you. The goal is to form a design that feels significant to you.

Enhance Symbolism

Add additional symbols or lines to enhance the sigil's symbolism. Consider incorporating elements that resonate with protection, such as circles, shields, or arrows. These additions can deepen the meaning of your sigil.

Activate Your Sigil

Focus on your intention and visualize the energy of protection surrounding you. Hold your sigil in your mind's eye. You can also meditate on the sigil, visualizing it glowing with protective energy.

Charge the Sigil

There are various ways to charge your sigil:

Meditation: Focus on your intention while meditating.
Visualization: Envision the sigil surrounded by a protective aura.
Elements: Use the elements like fire (candle flame), water (submerge in water briefly), or air (pass through incense smoke) to charge your sigil.
Intent: Simply concentrate on your intention while looking at the sigil.
Imbue with Energy: Bring the sigil to mind when sneezing, exercising, or climaxing.

Keep Your Sigil Safe

Once charged, keep your sigil in a safe place. You might want to carry it with you or place it in spaces where you want protection.

Recharge Periodically

Periodically revisit and recharge your sigil, especially if you feel the need for increased protection or if its effects seem to wane.

Ten Tips For A Happy And Authentic Life

1. Avoid the trap of comparison

Life unfolds uniquely for each individual, and treating it as a competition leads to unnecessary comparisons that can cloud your own journey. Limit your time looking at what everyone else is doing to maintain focus on your personal path.

2. Embrace the freedom in being disliked

Human nature seeks approval, but true freedom lies in accepting that not everyone will appreciate you. Liberation comes when you can overcome the discomfort of disapproval with confidence.

3. Recognize the interpersonal roots of problems

The complexities of our problems often stem from interpersonal relationships. Without the influence of others, many issues would lose their significance. Break free from the fear of judgment to unravel the true nature of your challenges.

4. Live authentically, not for others

Free yourself from the need for constant approval. Stay true to your principles and live life authentically, understanding that others' opinions are not your concern. Your authenticity speaks louder than external judgments.

5. Abandon the victim mentality

Traumatic experiences shape us, but their impact is determined by the meanings we assign to them. Reject the victim mentality, understanding that your past doesn't define you. Take control of your narrative.

6. Celebrate your uniqueness

Embrace and celebrate your individuality, shedding the weight of societal expectations. Your lifestyle is a choice, not an imposition. Be unapologetically yourself, embracing life on your terms.

7. Rise above inferiority

Don't allow an inferiority complex to hinder your progress. Refuse self-pity and the notion of helplessness. Reject excuses like "I can't succeed without a degree" and recognize your potential for growth.

8. Prioritize your tasks

When faced with disapproval, remember it's their issue, not yours. Before extending help to others, ensure you've attended to your needs. Building horizontal relationships ensures mutual respect, sidestepping hierarchical dynamics.

9. Establish equality in relationships

Avoid placing yourself on pedestals or sinking below others. Foster relationships based on equality, articulating expectations without passing judgment. Encourage constructive dialogue rather than reinforcing hierarchies.

10. Empower yourself to change

Challenge the belief that your past dictates your future. Embrace change, pursue your dreams, and accept the risks of failure, rejection, and criticism. Your willingness to evolve opens the door to a future of your own making.

Sunday 28 January 2024

The Esoteric Enigma Embedded Within The Wizard of Oz

L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz" has enchanted audiences for over a century, but beyond its colourful facade lies plenty of esoteric symbolism and strange facts that add depth to the story. Journey with Dorothy down the yellow brick road as we unravel the mysteries within the Land of Oz:

The Allegory of Silver Slippers

In Baum's original novel, Dorothy's iconic ruby slippers were originally silver. This change aligns with the economic debates of the late 19th century, with silver representing the populist call for bimetallism, which is the use of two metals (such as gold and silver) jointly as a monetary standard with both constituting legal tender at a predetermined ratio. The Yellow Brick Road itself represents the gold standard, creating an allegory of economic and political complexities.

Numerology and Symbolic Characters

The number three, a recurrent theme, appears in the three friends Dorothy makes (Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion) and the three clicks of her heels. Each character symbolizes distinct aspects of the human psyche, blending numerology with psychological exploration. As those of you who watch my videos know, 3 always represents the feminine. This whole story revolves around the journey of one young woman, through the complex areas of her psyche, her adventure unfolding before her, then reaching her goal in the Emerald City and then returning home.

The Emerald City and Political Symbolism

The Emerald City's vibrant green hue mirrors the emerald city of the mystical land of Oz in the books. However, it also carries political symbolism, representing the greenback currency and the illusion of prosperity during economic crises.

The Yellow Brick Road and the Golden Path

As mentioned before the gold colour of the path may be tied to the gold standard, creating an allegory of the economic and political complexities of the time. However, it also holds a more esoteric allegory. The yellow brick road serves as a guide for Dorothy's journey. In esoteric traditions, the colour yellow is associated with enlightenment and wisdom. Dorothy's quest becomes a spiritual journey towards self-discovery and illumination.

The Poppy Field and Allegory of Opiates

The poppy field's sleepy enchantment in the story may allude to the opioid crisis, addressing the numbing effects of addiction. The poppy has historical ties to opium, linking Baum's narrative to broader social issues. An intriguing allure surrounds the notion of a lethal flower, and poppies, in particular, are no ordinary blossoms. L. Frank Baum, the creative mind behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, was shaped by a world where poppies and their derivative, opium, held a prevalent presence in daily life. The late 19th century, coinciding with Baum's writing of the iconic tale, marked the peak of opium use in the U.S. A mere five years before Baum's passing in 1914, the U.S. implemented legislation to regulate opium and coca distribution. Although speculative, these opium-related concerns might have influenced the creation of the renowned scarlet field. The story delves into the enchantment and allure of the poppy in the lives of Americans at the turn of the 20th century.

Archetypal Characters

The characters Dorothy encounters symbolize Jungian archetypes. The Scarecrow embodies the seeker of wisdom, the Tin Man represents the compassionate heart, and the Lion embodies courage. Dorothy, the Everyman, integrates these qualities for a holistic transformation.

The Man Behind the Curtain

The Wizard himself, operating behind the curtain, reflects the idea of hidden authority. It underscores the power of perception and belief, suggesting that true authority may be less imposing than it appears. It also represents the idea that if you journey through your own psyche you can reveal the true you, and you will no longer have to wear a mask to try and fit in or pretend to be something you are not. You will finally be free to be your authentic self.

The Witches

The four witches are powerful figures, and represent the dual nature of our psyche. Evanora was the wicked Witch of the East, East being the element of Air, Theodora was the wicked Witch of the West, West representing the water element, Glinda was the good Witch of the North, North being the Earth element and Locasta aka Tattypoo was the good Witch of the South, representing the fire element. So we have Air and Water here as the dark elements and Earth and Fire as the good. But of course none of these elements are either good or bad, they are balanced. And here because 2 are good and 2 are bad, balance is created.

The Tornado and Personal Transformation

Dorothy's journey begins with a tornado, symbolizing chaos and upheaval. Tornadoes are powerful natural forces, analogous to life-altering events that propel personal growth and transformation. The start of one's journey to self-discovery is often a very challenging time, it is often at moments of complete breakdown or crisis that one starts on the journey.

The Return Home and Spiritual Awakening

Dorothy's return to Kansas mirrors the concept of spiritual awakening. Her realization that home was always within her heart parallels esoteric teachings that emphasize the journey within to discover one's true self.

"The Wizard of Oz" might appear like a whimsical fantasy, and yet it is embedded with an abundance of esoteric symbols and deeper meanings. Baum's masterpiece continues to be a source of fascination, encouraging readers to peel back the layers and uncover the magical truths hidden within the Land of Oz.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Esoteric Symbolism in Alice's Adventures

Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a captivating story with its whimsical narrative and fantastical characters. Beneath the surface of this beloved tale lies plenty of esoteric symbolism and strange facts that add intrigue to Wonderland. Let's dive into the rabbit hole of mysteries within Alice's Adventures:

Numerological Significance

Wonderland is not just a fantastical realm; it's a symbolic landscape filled with numerological clues. The number three, a recurring motif, is evident in the Cheshire Cat's three grins, the Mad Hatter's tea party at three o'clock, and the Queen of Hearts' repeated cry of "Off with their heads!" echoing thrice. A hidden nod to the 333 of the illuminated divine feminine.

Alchemy and Transformation

The concept of alchemy, the mystical pursuit of transformation, is woven into the tale. Alice's constant changes in size, the Caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly, and the Queen of Hearts' penchant for beheading represent alchemical themes of transmutation and evolution.

Caterpillar and Psychedelic Insights

The Caterpillar, perched on a mushroom, offers not only philosophical guidance but also alludes to the use of mind-altering substances. His question, "Who are you?" echoes the introspective nature of psychedelic experiences, suggesting a journey into the depths of self-discovery.

Playing Card Symbolism

The inhabitants of Wonderland are anthropomorphic playing cards, evoking the symbolism of a deck. The Queen of Hearts' tyrannical rule mirrors the volatility of fate, while the card soldiers symbolize the ephemeral nature of life.

Masonic and Rosicrucian Influences

Carroll, who was well-versed in esoteric traditions, may have embedded Masonic and Rosicrucian elements. The White Rabbit's pocket watch, a symbol of time, mirrors the Masonic apron, and the chessboard landscape reflects the Masonic symbolism of duality. This of course is something our families have used a long time before freemasons existed, to represent duality, but the freemasons also use this to represent the chess game they play with general people, who are the pawns, as they play and control both sides of the board.

Journey Through the Spheres

Alice's journey aligns with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with each character and encounter representing different spheres or sephiroth. From Malkuth (the physical world) to Kether (the divine realm), Alice traverses the mystical realms of existence.

Language and Wordplay

Carroll, a wordsmith, introduces linguistic puzzles and linguistic nonsense, aligning with the esoteric concept of language as a tool for unveiling hidden truths. The Jabberwocky poem, filled with invented words, hints at the power of language in shaping reality.

Mirror Symbolism

Mirrors are portals to alternate realities and self-reflection. Alice's journey through the looking glass mirrors the esoteric notion of using reflective surfaces for spiritual insight, inviting readers to ponder their own reflections.

The Jabberwocky and Fear

The Jabberwocky, a monstrous creature, represents Alice's fears and challenges. Confronting and slaying the Jabberwocky echoes the hero's journey and the alchemical process of overcoming inner demons for personal growth.

The Symbolic Cat

The enigmatic Cheshire Cat serves as a mystical guide, embodying the duality of existence. His ability to appear and disappear at will mirrors the elusive nature of enlightenment and the wisdom found in the mystical teachings.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" continues to beckon readers into a realm of wonder and mystique. Whether interpreted through a lens of alchemy, numerology, or symbolism, Carroll's masterpiece invites us to explore the labyrinthine depths of the esoteric and the mysteries that linger within the pages of Wonderland.

Friday 26 January 2024

Esoteric Meaning of The Qliphoth

The Qliphoth, often associated with the Tree of Life in Kabbalistic mysticism, represents the reverse or darker aspects of the traditional Sephiroth, forming a parallel tree known as the Tree of Death or the Tree of Qliphoth. The term "Qliphoth" itself is derived from the Hebrew word "qlipha," meaning "peel" or "shell," signifying the husks or distorted reflections of the divine emanations.

Meaning and Symbolism

The Inverse Tree

The Qliphoth serves as a mirror image to the Tree of Life, presenting an inverted and distorted reflection of the divine. Instead of representing divine emanations, the Qliphoth embodies a realm of impurity and spiritual exile.

Shells of Creation

Each Sephirah (emanation) on the Tree of Life has a corresponding Qlipha, often viewed as the shells or husks of the divine sparks. These shells are seen as distortions that arise when the divine energy descends through the Tree of Life.

The Unholy Sefirot

In contrast to the divine qualities of the Sephiroth, the Qliphoth embodies the perverted and distorted aspects of these emanations. For example, while Keter represents divine will, its Qlipha, Thaumiel, may represent discord or opposition.

Impurity and Exile

The Qliphoth is often associated with impurity, exile, and a separation from the divine. It represents a descent into darkness and spiritual degradation, contrasting the ascent toward enlightenment represented by the Tree of Life.

Adversarial Forces

The Qliphoth is sometimes linked to adversarial or demonic forces. These forces are not necessarily seen as purely evil but rather as challenges and obstacles that individuals must confront and overcome on their spiritual journey.

Transformation and Shadow Work

Engaging with the Qliphoth can be viewed as a form of shadow work, a process of confronting and integrating one's own darkness and hidden aspects. It symbolizes the transformative journey of acknowledging and assimilating the darker aspects of the self.

The Hidden and the Forbidden

The Qliphoth is often considered forbidden knowledge, hidden and obscured due to its challenging nature. Exploring this realm may be seen as delving into the mysteries of the shadow self, confronting fears, and embracing the darker aspects of consciousness.

Alchemy of the Soul

Some practitioners view the Qliphoth as a necessary part of the alchemical process, where the soul undergoes purification and transformation. The adversarial forces encountered in the Qliphoth are seen as catalysts for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

It's essential to note that interpretations of the Qliphoth vary among different Kabbalistic traditions and esoteric schools of thought. While some may approach it with caution, others view it as a potent tool for self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

The Four Pillars of Gnosis

The four pillars of Gnosis are the foundations of the Gnostic knowledge- they are Art, Science, Philosophy and Mysticism. Knowledge and wisdom are cultivated through the intelligent combination of these areas of study within us- they are a medium of expression for the consciousness itself.


Art is the world of the imagination and of inspiration. The esoteric art has always expressed the internal, mystical reality of a person. This is referred to as the “Royal Art of Nature”. It provides direct teachings to the consciousness of a person who is receptive to them and is a type of food for the soul that is perceived through the imagination and illuminates the heart.


Science is about study, experimentation and verification. Gnosis is in this sense a science as it is about experimenting and verifying for yourself. The science of Gnosis contains many areas of study, including:

Psychology: the functions of the mind, the subconscious.

Kabbalah: the internal dimensions of nature, the astral world.

Alchemy: working with and developing our internal energies, transformation.

There are also other areas such as the tarot, astrology, chakras, meditation etc. They are mystical sciences for us to study and verify in our own way.


Philosophy is the love (Philo) of wisdom (Sophia). It is about the questions to our very existence- who are we, why are we here and where are we going? Gnosis is a living philosophy where we allow the inner questions, the spiritual impulses, to direct our questions and our search for knowledge. This is what constitutes the Initiatic Philosophy- learning to comprehend and develop the path of self realisation within our own life.


Mysticism is the direct experience that illuminates the consciousness and is in fact the one that completes all the other pillars. Gnosis itself is a mystical study and therefore meditation forms a large part of our studies. Mysticism also includes working with our dreams and learning to perceive and strengthen the connection we have to our own internal Being. It is a practical study where an effort is directed to allowing the consciousness to experience the inner nature of things beyond the mind, body and emotions.

For more information about our Esoteric Comparative Theology Course to become a Gnostic Priest or Priestess please see the Church Site.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Leviathan, The Beast 666, and The Shem Ha-Mephorash

The strange and esoteric links between the Leviathan, the Beast 666, and the Shem Ha-Mephorash, a 72-fold name of God symbolism, and occult philosophy. Each entity carries its own significance, yet their interconnectedness adds layers of complexity.

The Leviathan


In various mythologies, the Leviathan is often depicted as a monstrous sea creature or a serpent of immense proportions. It represents chaos, primal forces, and the untamed aspects of the natural world.

In Judeo-Christian traditions, the Leviathan is mentioned in the Bible as a creature of the sea, symbolizing the forces of chaos that God has under control.

Esoteric Interpretations:

In occult traditions, the Leviathan can be seen as a symbol of the subconscious mind, the chaotic and primal aspects of human nature that need to be integrated and controlled for spiritual growth. Indeed here it represents "the wriggling serpent" or "the mighty one with seven heads". The 7 heads represent the chakras that become balanced when you have learnt how to harness the Serpent energy so that it shoots up your spine through all the chakras, leading to illumination.

The Beast 666

Aleister Crowley and the Beast:

Aleister Crowley, a renowned occultist, and ceremonial magician, identified himself with the title of "The Great Beast 666." This designation was influenced by his complex and controversial system of magick, known as Thelema.

Thelema centres around the dictum "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," emphasizing individual will, self-discovery, and spiritual liberation.

Esoteric Interpretations:

The Beast 666, in Crowley's system, represents the liberated individual who transcends societal norms and embraces their true nature. It is a symbol of personal freedom, self-realization, and the pursuit of one's true purpose.

However, he didn't become illuminated himself because his system of magick lacked crucial knowledge about the Great Rite. As with all other magickal systems, which I have explained before in my video about the origins of all these Orders. Because they were set up by men and for men, and only later were women allowed to join, their systems and brotherhood organisations are missing the most important element, as revealed by me in my book and other videos.

666 is the path of the male. 6 is a male boy 66 is a man who seeks a female Priestess to perform the Great Rite with 6+6=12 1+2=3, and 3 represents the feminine. He gets his final 6 and becomes 666 only after he performs the Great Rite. 6+6+6=18 and 1+8=9, 9 is completion.

Shem Ha-Mephorash - 72-Fold Name of God


The Shem Ha-Mephorash, also known as the "Explicit Name" or the "72-fold Name of God," is a mystical Kabbalistic concept. It consists of 72 three-letter names, each associated with an angel or divine force.

Each name holds specific attributes and is believed to possess spiritual power when invoked for various purposes.

Esoteric Interpretations:

Practitioners of Kabbalah often use the Shem Ha-Mephorash in ceremonial magic, meditation, and ritual work to connect with the divine forces associated with each name. It is seen as a key to unlock higher realms of consciousness and divine wisdom.

But the fact is as I explained in another video relating to parts in the bible that mention 72, this 72 names for God, or these 72 angels above are as follows. There are 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac. Each of the 12 houses has 6 paranatellons so there are 72 extra-zodiacal constellations known as the paranatellons. This is why Jesus is said to have officially had 12 servants with 72 others that also carried the message. 

The 72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 paranatellons, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. 

And of course 7+2=9.

The Strange Links

Mystical Connections:

The interconnection between the Leviathan, the Beast 666, and the Shem Ha-Mephorash may be seen in the symbolic representation of chaos, individualism, and divine forces. These symbols intertwine in the occult, reflecting the multifaceted nature of esoteric traditions.

Some esotericists explore the idea that the chaotic and primal energies represented by the Leviathan can be harnessed and channeled through the individualistic path of the Beast 666, guided by the divine forces encapsulated in the Shem Ha-Mephorash.

However, if they only looked deeper into the symbolism the truth would be much clearer.

6+6x6=72 7+2=9

3x3x3=27 72 reversed and again 7+2=9

Monday 22 January 2024

Hedy Lamarr: Brains & Beauty

Hedy Lamarr, a name celebrated for her captivating performances in classic Hollywood films, also made a lasting impact in the realm of technology with her inventive genius. Born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler on November 9, 1914, in Vienna, Austria, Lamarr's innovative mind went far beyond the glitz and glamour of the silver screen.

While her acting career flourished in the 1930s and 1940s, Lamarr's curiosity and intellect led her to explore various fields, including engineering. In collaboration with composer George Antheil, she developed a groundbreaking invention during World War II known as frequency hopping spread spectrum technology.

Recognizing the vulnerability of radio-controlled torpedoes, Lamarr and Antheil devised a system that would prevent the interception of signals by rapidly changing the radio frequencies at which the torpedoes operated. Their idea involved synchronizing the transmitter and receiver to switch frequencies simultaneously, making it nearly impossible for enemies to jam or decipher the messages.

In 1942, Lamarr and Antheil were granted a patent for their frequency hopping invention, though its military applications weren't immediately recognized. It wasn't until the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 that the U.S. Navy began implementing the technology on a broader scale. Over the years, this revolutionary concept became a foundational element in the development of secure and robust communication systems, serving as a precursor to modern technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Despite her groundbreaking contributions, Lamarr's achievements in technology were often overshadowed by her acting career. It wasn't until later in life that she received the recognition she deserved. In 1997, Lamarr and Antheil were honored with the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award, acknowledging their pioneering work in the field of secure communications.

Hedy Lamarr's legacy extends beyond her cinematic achievements, highlighting the potential for brilliance and innovation in unexpected places. Her inventive spirit serves as an inspiration, reminding the world that even those celebrated for their beauty and talent can contribute profoundly to areas far removed from their initial acclaim.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Astral Temple

You don't have the space for a Temple for your magickal workings? No problem, you can create one in the astral realms. 

Creating your own astral temple is a profound and esoteric practice that involves constructing a mental sanctuary within the astral plane. This mystical space serves as a personal haven for spiritual exploration, meditation, and magical workings. Here's a guide on how to create your own astral temple:

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Astral Temple

1. Prepare for Meditation

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, ensuring your spine is straight and your breathing is steady.

2. Enter a Meditative State

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Gradually let go of the external world, allowing your consciousness to turn inward. Enter a meditative state by calming your mind.

3. Visualization

Envision a door in your mind. This door is the entrance to your astral temple. Picture it in detail—notice its colour, material, and any intricate designs it may have.

4. Doorway Meditation

Imagine yourself standing in front of the door. Feel the texture of the handle and notice any sounds associated with opening it. As you open the door, visualize a transition from your physical space to the ethereal astral plane.

5. Design Your Temple

Once inside, let your imagination run wild. Design the temple according to your preferences. It could be a serene garden, an ancient library, a cosmic observatory, or any space that resonates with you spiritually.

6. Incorporate Symbolism

Add symbolic elements that hold personal or spiritual significance. Symbols could include sacred geometry, archetypal figures, or representations of your chosen deities.

7. Engage the Senses

Make your astral temple multisensory. Feel the temperature, listen to ambient sounds, and breathe in the unique scents of your sacred space. The more vivid the sensory experience, the more real and accessible your astral temple becomes.

8. Establish a Centre of Focus

Choose a central point within your astral temple as a focus for meditation. This could be an altar, a pool of water, or a specific object. This centre becomes a focal point for spiritual practices.

9. Practice Regularly

Return to your astral temple regularly during meditation sessions. The more you visit, the more intricate and charged the space becomes. Consistent practice strengthens your connection to the astral realm.

10. Magickal Workings

Utilize your astral temple for magickal workings, rituals, and spiritual journeys. It can serve as a conduit for connecting with higher realms, guides, or your own higher self.

11. Record Your Experiences

Keep a journal to document your experiences within the astral temple. Note any insights, encounters, or shifts in energy. Over time, you may notice patterns and developments in your spiritual practice.

Creating your own astral temple is a deeply personal and empowering endeavor. It allows you to tap into the limitless potential of your consciousness and explore the vast landscapes of the astral plane. As you venture into this mystical journey, remember that your astral temple is a reflection of your innermost self, a sacred space for spiritual growth and transcendence.

Sunday 21 January 2024

The Sorcerer's Mind Palace

The concept of the Sorcerer's Mind Palace is a fascinating blend of ancient mnemonic techniques, magical practices, and cognitive psychology. Rooted in the art of memory, this esoteric approach involves creating an imaginary mental space to store and retrieve information. 

Historical Roots

Art of Memory in Antiquity

The foundation of the Sorcerer's Mind Palace lies in the ancient "Art of Memory" or "Mnemotechnics." Ancient Greeks and Romans used spatial memory devices to enhance recall. The most famous technique involved mentally placing information in specific locations within an imagined building.

Hermetic Traditions

Hermeticism, a mystical and philosophical tradition, emphasized the interconnectedness of the microcosm and macrocosm. Practitioners often engaged in mental exercises to explore inner realms, a precursor to constructing mental palaces.

Magical Grimoires

Medieval grimoires, such as "The Picatrix" and "The Sworn Book of Honorius," contain references to magical practices involving visualization and astral realms. These mystical traditions contributed to the esoteric aspects of the Sorcerer's Mind Palace.

Constructing Your Sorcerer's Mind Palace

Choose Your Palace

Select a familiar or imaginary location to serve as the foundation of your Mind Palace. It could be a castle, a forest, or any setting that resonates with your mystical inclinations.

Create a Mental Blueprint

Visualize the layout of your chosen space. Assign specific areas or rooms to different categories or subjects you want to remember.

Imbue with Symbolism

Infuse each part of your Mind Palace with symbolic elements related to your intended use. Symbolism enhances the mystical atmosphere and aids in memory retrieval.

Anchor Information

As you learn new information, mentally place it in designated locations within your Mind Palace. Visualize the details and associations vividly.

Practice Regularly

Regular mental walks through your Mind Palace strengthen the neural connections. Revisit and revise information to reinforce your memory.

Incorporate Magical Rituals

For practitioners of magick, rituals, and symbols can be integrated into the Mind Palace. Perform rituals within your imaginary space to deepen the mystical connection.

Practical Applications

Studying Occult Knowledge

Use your Mind Palace to store and retrieve occult teachings, symbolism, and correspondences.

Personal Development

Enhance self-awareness by assigning different areas of your Mind Palace to aspects of your personality or goals.

Spellwork and Rituals

Plan and visualize magical workings within the sacred confines of your Mind Palace.

The Sorcerer's Mind Palace combines ancient memory techniques with mystical traditions to create a powerful tool for learning and esoteric exploration. Whether you're a scholar of the occult or a seeker of self-discovery, constructing and exploring your Mind Palace can unlock hidden realms of knowledge within your own consciousness.

Saturday 20 January 2024

How To Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and can exert some degree of control over their dream environment. Achieving lucid dreams often involves specific techniques and practices. Here's a guide on how to enhance your chances of experiencing lucid dreams:

1. Develop Dream Awareness:

Keep a Dream Journal: Record your dreams regularly. This helps improve your dream recall and makes you more aware of recurring patterns.

Reality Checks: Perform reality checks during the day. These are moments when you question whether you're dreaming. If you make this a habit, you might carry it into your dreams, triggering lucidity.

2. Create Dream Triggers:

Identify Dream Signs: Pay attention to recurring elements or themes in your dreams. When these occur in reality, they can serve as triggers for lucidity.

Set Intentions: Before sleep, affirm your intention to become aware during your dreams. Repeat phrases like, "I will be aware that I'm dreaming."

3. Improve Sleep Hygiene:

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim for a regular sleep routine to enhance the quality of your sleep.

Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you're well-rested; fatigue can affect dream recall and lucid dream induction.

4. Practice Visualization:

Picture Your Dreams: Visualize scenarios in which you realize you're dreaming. This can help program your mind to recognize dream states.

5. Try Wake-Induced Techniques:

Wake-Back-to-Bed (WBTB): Wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep, stay awake for a short period, then go back to sleep. This can increase the likelihood of entering a lucid dream during the next sleep cycle.

Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD): Repeat a mantra or affirmation about lucid dreaming as you fall asleep.

6. Explore Sleep Paralysis:

Relaxation Techniques: Some lucid dreamers use sleep paralysis as a gateway to lucid dreams. If you experience sleep paralysis, stay calm and try to transition into a dream.

7. Experiment with Supplements:

Some people explore the use of supplements like vitamin B6, galantamine, or choline to enhance dream vividness and potentially induce lucid dreams. However, consult with a healthcare professional before trying any supplements.

8. Attend to Emotional Well-Being:

Reduce Stress: Stress can interfere with dream recall and lucid dreaming. Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing.

Remember, achieving lucid dreams may take time and practice. Be patient and persistent with your efforts. Additionally, not everyone experiences lucid dreams, and individual results may vary.

Friday 19 January 2024

How To Astral Project

Astral projection, also known as out-of-body experience (OBE), involves a conscious separation of your spiritual or astral self from the physical body, allowing you to explore different realms and dimensions. While experiences can vary, here are some general techniques to explore astral projection:

1. Relaxation Techniques:

Start with a calm and quiet environment. Lie down comfortably, ensuring you won't be disturbed.

Practice deep relaxation methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation or guided meditation, to ease your body and mind.

2. Focus on Breath:

Concentrate on your breathing. Slow, deep breaths can help induce a state of relaxation and mental focus.

Allow your body to enter a state of near-sleep while keeping your mind awake and aware.

3. Visualization:

Picture a specific location or scenario in your mind. This could be a place you know well or an imaginary setting.

Engage your senses in the visualization. Feel the environment, hear sounds, and visualize details vividly.

4. Enter a Hypnagogic State:

As you relax, you may enter a hypnagogic state, the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep.

Maintain awareness as you experience subtle sensory phenomena, such as floating or buzzing sensations.

5. Vibrational Stage:

Some practitioners report feeling vibrations or energy sensations during the astral projection process.

If you sense vibrations, remain calm and focused. Embrace the sensations as signs of progress.

6. Willful Separation:

Once in a deep state of relaxation, visualize yourself floating or lifting out of your physical body.

Maintain a strong intention to separate from your body. Imagine yourself effortlessly moving away.

7. Explore the Astral Realm:

If successful, you may find yourself in the astral realm. Explore your surroundings, interact with entities, or seek knowledge.

Stay calm, as fear or excitement can disrupt the experience.

8. Return to Your Body:

To return to your physical body, focus on it and visualize yourself re-entering. You may feel a pulling or sinking sensation.

Gently reconnect with your physical senses, such as feeling your breath or the weight of your body.


Consistency is key. Regular practice increases the likelihood of astral projection.

Keep a dream journal to record experiences and progress.

Maintain a positive mindset. Fear or skepticism can hinder astral projection.


Astral projection may not be suitable for everyone. If you have a history of mental health issues or are unsure about the practice, consult with a healthcare professional.

Always prioritize your well-being, and avoid forcing the experience.

Remember, astral projection is a deeply personal and subjective experience. Results can vary, and patience is essential in developing this skill.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Alien Life and the Zoo Hypothesis: Are They Watching Us?

The quest for understanding extraterrestrial life has invaded the human imagination for centuries. As technology advances and our exploration of the cosmos expands, the question of whether we are alone in the universe becomes increasingly pertinent. One intriguing concept that arises in the discussion of potential extraterrestrial civilizations is the Zoo Hypothesis.

The Zoo Hypothesis is a speculative idea in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). It proposes that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are aware of Earth and its inhabitants but choose not to make direct contact. Instead, they adopt a hands-off approach, analogous to humans observing animals in a zoo. This hypothesis posits that Earth is intentionally isolated from direct contact to allow humanity to evolve naturally without interference.

The Zoo Hypothesis suggests that advanced extraterrestrial beings, often referred to as "zookeepers," adhere to a form of ethical non-interference. These hypothetical civilizations may believe in preserving the natural development of emerging species, much like conservationists avoid direct intervention in wildlife habitats. By refraining from overt contact, these beings would allow humanity to navigate its own evolutionary path.

If the Zoo Hypothesis holds true, Earth becomes a cosmic exhibit under the watchful eyes of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. The diversity of life, the evolution of societies, and the unfolding drama of human history are observed as one might observe animals in a carefully curated zoo. This perspective raises questions about the nature of our existence and the potential motives of these cosmic spectators.

The Zoo Hypothesis draws parallels with the fictional concept of the Prime Directive from the "Star Trek" franchise. In "Star Trek," the Prime Directive dictates that advanced civilizations should avoid interfering with the natural development of less advanced societies. The Zoo Hypothesis posits a similar principle on a cosmic scale, where extraterrestrial observers respect the autonomy of emerging civilizations.

While the Zoo Hypothesis offers a fascinating perspective on potential extraterrestrial behavior, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Skeptics argue that the lack of direct evidence for extraterrestrial life makes it difficult to substantiate such hypotheses. Additionally, the assumption that advanced civilizations would universally adopt non-interference principles is speculative and may not align with the potential diversity of extraterrestrial motivations.

Efforts to search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) programs, continue to scan the cosmos for signals that may indicate the presence of advanced civilizations. As of yet, the success of these endeavors remains fruitless.

If the Zoo Hypothesis were valid, it would challenge humanity to reflect on its place in the cosmic order. The awareness of being part of a larger cosmic exhibit could influence our approach to environmental conservation, global cooperation, and the exploration of space.

The Universe is so vast it would be unrealistic to think that this is the only planet that harbours life, however as of yet none have or can contact us and the Earth is our only home.

It is interesting how the idea of advanced beings watching over less advanced creatures from a distance and allowing them to evolve naturally mirrors what the ancient Serpent Bloodline once agreed to until that is when some of them decided to disobey.

Supercharge Your Cognitive Abilities

Discover effective strategies to enhance and expedite your learning experience, empowering you to supercharge your cognitive abilities.

People process information in various ways, and one way to categorize these processing styles is through the concept of sensory modalities—visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. These modalities represent dominant th

inking styles, indicating how individuals prefer to perceive and make sense of the world around them.

1. Visual Dominant Thinking:

Visual thinkers rely heavily on images, pictures, and spatial arrangements to understand and remember information. They tend to think in mental images and are often skilled at creating visual representations of concepts. For visual learners, charts, graphs, diagrams, and other visual aids are powerful tools for comprehension.

Characteristics of Visual Thinkers:

Strong preference for visual cues.
Easily recall images, colours, and shapes.
Learn well through visual aids and demonstrations.
Use visual metaphors in communication.

2. Auditory Dominant Thinking:

Auditory thinkers process information primarily through sound. They rely on spoken words, discussions, and other auditory stimuli to understand and retain knowledge. These individuals may excel in tasks that involve listening, such as participating in discussions, engaging in verbal instructions, or utilizing audio resources for learning.

Characteristics of Auditory Thinkers:

Prefer verbal explanations and discussions.
Easily remember spoken information.
Enjoy listening to lectures, podcasts, or audiobooks.
May use verbal expressions or self-talk.

3. Kinaesthetic Dominant Thinking:

Kinaesthetic thinkers engage with the world through physical experiences and sensations. They learn best by doing, touching, and experiencing things physically. Kinaesthetic learners often benefit from hands-on activities, movement, and interactive experiences, as these help reinforce their understanding of concepts.

Characteristics of Kinaesthetic Thinkers:

Learn through hands-on experiences.
Prefer physical activity and movement.
Tend to use gestures while communicating.
May have difficulty sitting still for extended periods.

Understanding Modalities in Learning:

Identifying one's dominant thinking style can be beneficial in various contexts, especially in education. Teachers can tailor their instruction to accommodate different modalities, creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

Incorporating Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic Elements:

Visual Learners:

Use visuals like diagrams, charts, and videos.
Encourage note-taking and mind mapping.
Provide written instructions and summaries.

Auditory Learners:

Use verbal explanations and discussions.
Encourage group discussions and verbal reflections.
Provide audio resources such as lectures or podcasts.

Kinaesthetic Learners:

Incorporate hands-on activities and experiments.
Allow for movement during learning.
Use tactile materials and interactive experiences.

Flexibility and Overlapping Modalities:

While individuals may have a dominant thinking style, it's crucial to recognize that people often engage with a combination of modalities. Some learners may benefit from a multisensory approach that incorporates visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic elements. A flexible and varied teaching strategy can cater to a diverse range of learning preferences, creating a more comprehensive and engaging educational experience.

Gustatory and Olfactory:

The other two senses, gustatory (taste) and olfactory (smell), which are closely associated, often seem to be less significant in general mental processing and are often considered jointly as one.

However, incorporating gustatory and olfactory senses into the learning process can significantly enhance memory retention and overall cognitive function. By engaging in these sensory experiences, individuals can create multisensory associations that deepen the learning experience. The connection between taste, smell, and memory is well-established in neuroscience, and harnessing these senses strategically can be a powerful tool for optimizing learning outcomes.

Associative Learning: Integrate specific tastes or smells with certain concepts or information. For example, chewing a particular gum or sipping a specific tea while studying a particular subject. Later, during an exam or recall, recreate the same taste or smell to trigger memory retrieval.

Create Memory Anchors: Use aromas or flavors as memory anchors during different learning phases. This could involve having a unique scent or taste associated with each subject or module. Reintroducing these sensory cues during review sessions can help bring back the information learnt.

Environmental Context: Tailor your study environment to include specific scents or flavours. Consistency is key, so if possible, study with the same aroma or taste present. When it's time to recall the information, being in a similar olfactory or gustatory environment can enhance memory recall.

Mindful Eating: During study breaks, practice mindful eating. Pay close attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas of your food. This heightened sensory experience can improve focus and concentration when you return to your studies.

Use Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, like peppermint or rosemary, have been linked to improved cognitive function. Diffusing these oils or applying them topically in a study environment may contribute to increased alertness and information retention.

Experiment with Different Flavours: Explore a variety of flavors and scents to identify which ones work best for you. Some individuals may find citrusy scents invigorating, while others may prefer herbal or earthy aromas. Similarly, experimenting with different tastes, such as sour or sweet, can have varying effects on cognitive performance.

Pairing Mnemonics with Senses: Incorporate mnemonic devices that involve taste or smell. For example, creating a memorable acronym where each letter corresponds to a flavor or scent-related keyword.

By consciously engaging gustatory and olfactory senses in the learning process, individuals can tap into the brain's capacity for sensory-rich memories, ultimately leading to a more immersive and effective learning experience.

Saturday 13 January 2024

Nikola Tesla: A Visionary's Life and Esoteric Insights

Nikola Tesla, born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan (modern-day Croatia), was a Serbian inventor, electrical engineer, and visionary. Beyond his groundbreaking work in electricity and magnetism, Tesla was known for his esoteric interests and unconventional ideas that extended into realms often considered speculative.

Early Life and Education

Tesla's early life was marked by a deep curiosity and an intuitive grasp of mechanics. He studied electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz and later at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague. His journey to the United States in 1884 marked the beginning of his collaboration with Thomas Edison, which soon evolved into a rivalry as Tesla championed alternating current (AC) power transmission over Edison's direct current (DC) system.

Inventions and Contributions

Tesla's prolific career yielded numerous inventions and innovations. He is credited with developing the alternating current (AC) induction motor and transformer, both of which revolutionized the generation and transmission of electrical power. His work laid the foundation for the modern power distribution systems that power our cities today. Tesla's inventions extended to wireless communication, X-rays, and the Tesla coil, a device that produces high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency alternating-current electricity.

Esoteric Interests

Beyond his mainstream scientific work, Tesla delved into esoteric subjects, mysticism, and unconventional ideas. He was deeply influenced by philosophy and spirituality. Tesla often spoke of the interconnectedness of the universe and believed that scientific principles could be understood through a deeper understanding of spirituality.

One of Tesla's esoteric interests involved the study of resonance and frequency. He famously stated, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." This statement reflects his belief in the fundamental role of vibration and energy in understanding the mysteries of the cosmos.

Tesla also claimed to receive inspiration and ideas from visions and dreams. He spoke of a vivid vision of a functioning alternating current motor while walking in a park in Budapest, a revelation that led to one of his most significant inventions. These experiences hint at Tesla's belief in tapping into a universal consciousness or higher realm for creative insights.

The idea that Nikola Tesla had a secret related to the numbers 3, 6, and 9 is often attributed to him, but it's important to note that there isn't conclusive evidence that Tesla himself explicitly expressed this belief. The notion has taken on a mystical quality and has been widely shared on the internet, sometimes bordering on conspiracy theories.

The concept usually revolves around Tesla's statements like "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." People interpret this in various ways, associating these numbers with sacred geometry, vortex mathematics, and even spiritual or esoteric significance.

Here's a breakdown of some interpretations:

Vortex Mathematics: Some claim that by following a pattern based on the numbers 3, 6, and 9, one can unlock hidden truths about the universe. This concept is often attributed to Marko Rodin, who developed a theory called "Vortex Mathematics." According to this theory, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 play a crucial role in understanding the structure of the universe.

Numerology and Mysticism: In numerology, numbers are sometimes associated with specific qualities or energies. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are considered powerful and are believed to hold unique properties. This is often linked to mystical beliefs rather than scientific principles.

Resonance and Harmonics: Some theories suggest that Tesla's work was deeply connected to the principles of resonance and harmonics, and that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 represent fundamental frequencies in the universe. However, these ideas are often speculative and lack scientific support.

It's crucial to approach these interpretations with a degree of skepticism. While Tesla was undoubtedly a brilliant inventor and contributed significantly to the field of electrical engineering, many of the claims surrounding his beliefs in the mystical properties of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 lack concrete evidence or clear documentation directly from Tesla himself.

If you watch my Life in Numbers video you will get a clear picture of my own knowledge about these numbers.

Wireless Transmission of Energy

One of Tesla's more controversial ideas was the concept of wireless transmission of energy. He envisioned a world where energy could be transmitted wirelessly, providing a decentralized and free energy source for everyone. While this idea has not been fully realized, it aligns with Tesla's vision of making technology and energy accessible to all, echoing esoteric notions of interconnectedness and shared resources.

Legacy and Recognition

Tesla's contributions to science and technology were immense, but during his lifetime, he struggled financially and faded into relative obscurity. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Tesla's life, inventions, and esoteric interests. Many now recognize him as a visionary whose ideas, both mainstream and unconventional, have significantly shaped the modern world.

Serpent Bloodline Connection

Tesla's haplogroup is of Serpent origin, but as always there are those on DNA forums trying to debunk this and claim it is R1a or R1b. However, whatever his DNA type was, he was certainly strong in the Serpent genes.

Friday 12 January 2024

The Book of Enoch Decoded


The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, traditionally ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. It is considered part of the larger body of Jewish apocalyptic literature, presenting visions, revelations, and insights into the nature of the divine realm. The book is not included in the canonical Hebrew Bible but is accepted in some Christian traditions, particularly within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Here are key points about the Book of Enoch:

Traditionally, the Book of Enoch is attributed to Enoch, a biblical figure mentioned in Genesis 5:18–24. Enoch is said to have been taken to heaven without experiencing death. The dating of the text is challenging, but scholars generally place its composition between the third century BCE and the first century CE.

The Book of Enoch is a composite work, with multiple sections. The most well-known parts are The Book of Watchers (1 Enoch 1–36), The Book of Parables (1 Enoch 37–71), The Astronomical Book (1 Enoch 72–82), The Book of Dream Visions (1 Enoch 83–90), and The Epistle of Enoch (1 Enoch 91–108).

The Book of Watchers describes fallen angels (Watchers) who descended to Earth, lusting after human women. These angels taught forbidden knowledge, leading to corruption and violence. Enoch serves as a messenger between God and the fallen angels.

The Book of Parables contains Enoch's visions, including allegorical representations of the future judgment and the fate of the righteous and the wicked.

The Astronomical Book provides details about the movement of heavenly bodies and introduces a solar calendar. This section reflects an interest in astronomy and cosmology.

The Book of Enoch had a significant impact on Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity. Fragments of Enochic literature were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, highlighting its importance to the Jewish community at that time.

While the Book of Enoch is not considered part of the canonical Bible in most branches of Judaism and Christianity, it influenced later Jewish mystical traditions (Kabbalah) and early Christian writers. Some early Christian fathers, such as Tertullian and Augustine, referenced Enochic literature.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church includes 1 Enoch in its biblical canon. This tradition views Enoch as a prophet and regards the book as divinely inspired.

In summary, the Book of Enoch provides insights into ancient Jewish apocalyptic thought, influencing various religious traditions and contributing to the understanding of early Jewish and Christian beliefs about angels, cosmology, and the divine realm.

Here I am going to focus on The Book of Watchers, as so many are interested in this and I am going to break down the allegory.

The Book of Watchers, found within the broader context of the Book of Enoch, is a fascinating ancient text that presents a rich allegory with profound symbolism and theological implications. This section of the Book of Enoch, also known as 1 Enoch 1–36, revolves around the narrative of the Watchers, celestial beings who descend to Earth and interact with humanity. The allegory within the Book of Watchers is multifaceted, touching on themes of rebellion, knowledge, corruption, and divine judgment.

In the allegory, the Watchers are portrayed as angels who, out of a desire for earthly pleasures and a fascination with humanity, defy divine boundaries. This disobedience leads to their fall from grace. The allegory reflects a common motif in ancient literature where celestial beings abandon their celestial abode for earthly desires.

The Watchers share forbidden knowledge with humans, introducing them to arts, sciences, and technologies that were meant to remain the exclusive domain of the divine. This act of imparting forbidden knowledge represents a disruption of the divine order. The allegory suggests that unchecked pursuit of knowledge, especially that which defies ethical and spiritual boundaries, can lead to corruption and moral decay.

The interaction between the Watchers and humans results in the corruption of the earthly realm. The offspring of the Watchers and human women, known as the Nephilim, are described as giants or mighty warriors. Their existence disrupts the natural order, symbolizing the consequences of the mingling of divine and earthly realms. The allegory warns against the consequences of unchecked intervention in divine affairs.

The Book of Watchers anticipates divine judgment in response to the actions of the Watchers and the corruption they bring. This judgment is depicted as a cataclysmic flood, reminiscent of the biblical Flood narrative in Genesis. The allegory underscores the idea that divine justice prevails, and purification is necessary to restore balance and order.

Enoch, the human protagonist, serves as a mediator between the divine and earthly realms. His role involves conveying divine messages, serving as a witness to the deeds of the Watchers, and receiving visions that foretell future events. Enoch's journey represents the human quest for spiritual knowledge and understanding, as well as the possibility of divine communication.

The allegory within the Book of Watchers imparts several moral and theological lessons. It warns against the dangers of forbidden knowledge, the consequences of rebellion against divine order, and the need for divine justice to restore cosmic balance. The allegory also emphasizes the importance of intermediaries, like Enoch, who bridge the gap between the divine and human spheres.

And of course, there is always more depth and meaning to to everything.

Here the fallen angels are some of the Neanderthal males who decided to breed with the humans. God here is plural and feminine, as within all these texts, as I have demonstrated before in my other works. And it represents the female Neanderthal leaders as well as all the Neanderthal tribes in general, who had created the humans, Adams and Eves, as I have explained before. But it was never intended for them to receive Gnosis, they were supposed to remain the same as the other animals on Earth who live in the moment and don't worry about death and all other things that make life hell. These fallen angels, therefore, giving this knowledge to the Adams and Eves was not a good thing for them or us. When these fallen angels bred with the Eves they created the Eagle Bloodline who although think they know it all with the little bits of knowledge they do have, forgot the most important parts which lead to illumination, and instead became addicted to and tempted by the material world, which led to power struggles, war, violence and all kinds of horrors.

This is hard to explain, but I hope you get the idea.

Thursday 11 January 2024

Does Social Media Create Narcissists?

The impact of social media on narcissism is a topic of ongoing debate among psychologists, sociologists, and researchers. While it is essential to avoid broad generalizations about an entire generation, some argue that certain aspects of social media culture may contribute to narcissistic tendencies in individuals. Here are key points to consider:

1. Self-Presentation and Image Crafting:

Social media platforms often encourage users to present curated versions of their lives. People may selectively share positive aspects, creating an idealized image. This focus on self-presentation can contribute to narcissistic behavior by fostering a desire for external validation based on a carefully crafted image.

2. Likes, Comments, and Validation:

The instant feedback provided by likes, comments, and shares on social media can become a source of validation. Individuals may develop a reliance on external affirmation for self-worth, potentially reinforcing narcissistic tendencies.

3. Comparison and Envy:

Continuous exposure to the curated lives of others can lead to social comparison. Users may feel compelled to outdo their peers, fostering a sense of superiority or entitlement—traits associated with narcissism.

4. Digital Persona vs. Real Identity:

Some individuals may become more invested in their online persona than their authentic selves. This distinction between digital and real identity can contribute to narcissistic behavior as users prioritize maintaining a favorable online image.

5. Cyberbullying and Trolling:

The relative anonymity of social media can embolden individuals to engage in negative behaviors, such as cyberbullying or trolling. These actions can be fueled by narcissistic tendencies, seeking to assert dominance or control over others.

6. Impact on Empathy:

Excessive use of social media may potentially diminish face-to-face interactions, affecting empathy levels. Narcissistic traits are sometimes associated with a lack of empathy, and reduced in-person interactions could contribute to this dynamic.

7. Influencer Culture:

The rise of influencers, who often share glamorous aspects of their lives, can contribute to a culture that prioritizes external validation and materialism, potentially reinforcing narcissistic tendencies in both influencers and followers.

8. Research Perspectives:

Research findings on the relationship between social media use and narcissism vary. While some studies suggest a correlation, the causal relationship remains complex and is likely influenced by various factors.

It's crucial to recognize that social media affects individuals differently, and many factors contribute to the development of personality traits. Additionally, not everyone who uses social media exhibits narcissistic tendencies, and many individuals engage with these platforms in healthy and positive ways. As the field continues to evolve, ongoing research will provide a fuller understanding of the relationship between social media and narcissism.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Seven In The Bible

The number seven holds special significance in the Bible and is frequently mentioned throughout both the Old and New Testaments. It is often associated with completeness, perfection, and divine order. The specific number of occurrences can vary depending on the translation of the Bible. Providing an exhaustive list of every occurrence of the number seven in the Bible would be impractical due to the numerous references scattered throughout the text. However, I can offer a glimpse of the various contexts in which the number seven appears in both the Old and New Testaments:

Creation: The concept of seven is prominent in the creation narrative in Genesis. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, establishing the seven-day week.

Seven Pairs of Clean Animals: In the story of Noah's Ark, God instructed Noah to bring seven pairs of each clean animal onto the ark.

Seven Churches in Revelation: In the Book of Revelation, seven churches are mentioned in chapters 2 and 3, symbolizing completeness in addressing the various spiritual conditions of the church.

Seven Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls: The Book of Revelation also describes a series of sevens, including seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls.

The Gospel of John highlights seven specific miracles performed by Jesus.

Seven Spirits of God: In the Book of Revelation, the seven spirits of God are mentioned.

The seven-fold sprinkling of blood on the altar.

The seven-day consecration of priests.

Marching around Jericho seven times.

The psalmist praises God seven times a day.

Naaman's healing in the Jordan River involves seven dips.

The seven eyes of the Lord in Zechariah's vision.

The feeding of the 4,000 involves seven loaves.

These are just a few examples, and the number seven appears in various contexts and forms throughout the Bible. The symbolic use of seven underscores its importance as a divine and complete number in biblical literature.

Also, see my 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues video.

The reason why the number 7 is so prolific in the bible is because it is allegory for the seven chakras and the associated endocrine glands. Once you know this, it really does all start to make sense.