
Thursday 25 July 2024

Royalty Origins

Today's royals are not the old royals. Royalty didn't used to have anything to do with winning battles, fratricide or wanting to gain as much power and resources as possible.

We are often told that the concept of royalty is centuries old. It originated with the feudal systems of medieval Europe. Under feudalism, there were a few very powerful landowners who acquired large amounts of territory through military force or purchase. These landowners became high-ranking lords, and one of them was crowned king.

Before that, Plato and Aristotle considered aristocrats to be those who are morally and intellectually superior, and therefore fit to govern in the interests of the people. The term has come to mean the upper layer of a stratified group. Most aristocracies have been hereditary, and many European societies stratified their aristocratic classes by formally titling their members, thereby making the term roughly synonymous with nobility. 

And yet it goes much further back.

Some of the oldest recorded and evidenced monarchies were Narmer, Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt c. 3100 BCE, and Enmebaragesi, a Sumerian King of Kish c. 2600 BCE. From earliest records, monarchs could be directly hereditary, while others were elected from among eligible members.

In ancient times within the Serpent Bloodline tribes the aristocracy did mean just that, the tribe leaders were chosen on merit, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual attainment, and therefore were the best leaders. It had nothing to do with who had won a war and who was the most nasty and brutal. It was about who was noble, fair, kind and balanced. Maybe now you can see how the aristocracy and royalty have truly been taken over by the frauds of oligarchy.

You do not have to be of the Serpent Bloodline to be part of the real aristocracy and spiritual royalty, you simply have to be the right kind of person, who is doing the Great Work, wishes to improve themselves and help others. To encourage the noble ideals of Chivalry and to promote “Nobility through deeds of Charity & Honour”. To support the poor, the sick, and the unjustly accused, to stand against oppression and to protect Freedom & Liberty. That is what makes a good leader, and a member of the aristocracy and royalty, nothing else.

Modern "royal" families are only there because someone in their family line murdered someone else so their line could gain the titles. Does that really make a good leader? Do they deserve our support, admiration and money to support their lavish lifestyles?

Saturday 6 July 2024

Autism in The Serpent Bloodline

This normal was decided upon by the think tanks, normal is compliant and uninteresting, normal is good citizens who will just do as they are told, keep paying taxes and perpetuate the problems with the system, because they are content with the distractions they have been given. And although they might appear as friendly and cheerful, just watch them change when they see someone who is not toeing the line like they do. Their wrath will come blaring out. How dare someone have a mind of their own. This rage and anger they direct at the person who is "different" is actually their deep-seated fear coming to the surface because they know there is something fundamentally wrong with society but they are too scared to rock the boat and do anything about it themselves, and so they demonise anyone who could cause them to have to face the facts. Because despite their cheerful mask, they live in a constant state of fear. They fear not being normal, of being rejected.Someone posted a link in our Discord server, it was an article about how a Neanderthal gene is being linked to autism. Now this is a controversial topic that always gets the backs up of the woke crowd, but I think someone needs to say this. If you are easily offended or enjoy being labelled as broken or wrong in some way, this video isn't for you.
Autism was supposed to be a more politically correct way of saying the R word, or any one of the words used to describe those who are mentally challenged. Because eventually, they all start to be used as an insult.

However, it has now become a catch-all phrase used to describe anyone who has a personality or traits considered not "normal". 

So what is normal? Who decided what normal should be?

Normal is considered someone extroverted, someone who is always cheerful and has a lot of friends because they just seem to have a gift for getting along with people. They always seem to say the right thing and are sure to keep abreast of the latest politically correct terminology, they back all the most popular causes, work a typical boring 9-5 job, are married with one point two children, or identify as one of the many strange new genders and talk endlessly about what their pronouns are, like anyone cares and they seem to be oblivious to what is really going on in the world, they just follow the crowd and trust the government and doctors.

And so they decide to give labels to these people who dare to be different. Labels like: rebel, delinquent, outcast, loner, weirdo, loser, social reject, ADHD, autistic.

And so it began, people who have a mind of their own have started to be labelled mentally ill. Can you not see this? Maybe you who is watching this now have taken on this label and have been told how freeing it will be to have an excuse for being different.

So that when you are interacting with these "normal" people and they start to think you are strange and eccentric, you can just say "Oh I am autistic" then the "normal" person can feel better about the fact that you have something wrong with you and that is why you can think for yourself, that is why you refuse to toe the line. So they can breathe a sigh of relief and continue being "normal".

What kind of world do we live in where the people who can think for themselves are labelled mentally ill and the ones who can't think are considered normal? A messed up one for sure.

If you are strong in Serpent Bloodline genes you are much more likely to be given this label and that is for many reasons which I will explain now.

Serpent Bloodline people have a tendency to be introverted and there is a good reason for this.
All our senses are much more acute than they are in modern humans.

Our blue eyes struggle in bright light, our hearing is so sensitive that cities and crowds can easily overwhelm us, and our sense of smell is so keen that we can literally smell the fear, lust or other emotions on people, making a room full of people extremely overwhelming to our senses. Top this with our extremely sensitive skin that detects even the slightest touch, being constantly nudged and brushed past in a crowd is just too much for us.

This does not mean there is something wrong with us, it just means that noisy crowded places are hell to us. We prefer silence and the sounds of nature to hustle and bustle, traffic, lawnmowers and other sounds. Those things hurt us, and cause headaches and earache, and we can do without it.

There is also another reason. Our brains just don't work the same way modern human brains do.

We are told that in humans each side of the brain is responsible for different things and when the link between each side of the brain has been split in some patients this creates two different personalities. One talks, while the other reasons etc.

However, in Serpent Bloodline brains both sides are working the same way together. This is why someone strong in Serpent genes is more likely to have dyslexia and be ambidextrous. We often confuse our left and right because to us they are more similar. Words or letters are sometimes written backwards and sometimes lines of writing can be hard to follow.

When a neophyte does magick training they are taught techniques to try to equalise their brains in this way by writing with their left hand, and writing backwards. This strengthens the link between each side of the brain making it easier to do the Great Work, which does not come so naturally to those who are not strong in Serpent genes.

When the brain of a modern human is split in two something strange occurs. They can see things at one side of a focal point and say what it is, but if the object is to the left of the focal point they cannot say what it is, if asked they will say they didn't see it. However, if you give them a pen and tell them to draw something with their left hand, they will draw the image they said they couldn't see. This is because they are unaware of what is happening in their subconscious mind.

The Great Work teaches how to connect to it fully so that you can become aware of those things consciously. This is something those of the Serpent Bloodline genes already do, even though we live in a society that purposely tries to put that back to sleep.

If the brain of a Serpent Bloodline person was cut in two, it would make no difference, they would still be able to see and name items from both sides of a focal point.

This is a very difficult subject to put into words, but I suggest you do some of your own research into this split-brain phenomenon. The splitting of the brain is used as a treatment for epilepsy.

And so just because someone appears to be socially awkward, introverted, hypersensitive to sights and sounds, has unusual savant-type abilities or is just a bit eccentric, it does not mean they are mentally ill, mentally disabled or have a personality disorder.

Don't take on these labels simply because you are different. There is nothing wrong with you, but you can bet there is something wrong with the ones pushing you to have these labels.

Thursday 4 July 2024

The dark and eerie history of immurement

The dark and eerie history of immurement, the chilling act of entombing someone alive to face a slow, agonizing death, stretches back to the days of ancient Rome.

In this grim past, young girls from noble families were chosen to serve as Vestal Virgins, tending the sacred fire of Vesta, the goddess of hearth and home. These priestesses were bound by a stringent vow of celibacy.

Breaking this vow didn’t result in a mere execution; it triggered a fate far more harrowing. Since spilling the blood of a Vestal Virgin was strictly forbidden, a ghastly alternative was conceived.

A small underground vault, barely furnished with a couch and a scant supply of food and water, would be prepared. The guilty priestess was led to this dismal chamber, sealed inside, and abandoned to endure a drawn-out, excruciating demise.

This punishment was a grim reminder of the price of transgression and the macabre ingenuity of ancient justice.

Monday 24 June 2024

Candle Magick

Candle magick is a practice where different coloured candles are used to enhance rituals and spells. Each colour aligns with specific energies and intentions. Here’s a guide to the meanings and uses of various candle colours in magick:

White Candle

Meaning: Purity, Protection, Healing

Uses: White candles are versatile and can be used for any type of spell. They are often used in cleansing, healing, and protection rituals, as well as for invoking clarity and spiritual enlightenment.

Black Candle

Meaning: Banishing, Protection, Absorbing Negativity

Uses: Black candles are powerful for banishing negative energies, breaking hexes, and providing protection. They are also used for deep introspection and transformation.

Red Candle

Meaning: Passion, Love, Strength

Uses: Red candles are associated with energy, vitality, and love. They are commonly used in spells for attraction, courage, and enhancing physical strength and motivation.

Blue Candle

Meaning: Peace, Healing, Communication

Uses: Blue candles are used to promote calm, healing, and open communication. They are also effective in spells for wisdom, truth, and resolving conflicts.

Green Candle

Meaning: Prosperity, Growth, Abundance

Uses: Green candles are associated with money, luck, and fertility. They are used in spells for financial success, personal growth, and attracting abundance in various forms.

Yellow Candle

Meaning: Creativity, Confidence, Mental Clarity

Uses: Yellow candles are used to stimulate creativity, improve communication, and enhance mental focus. They are also effective in boosting confidence and attracting success in intellectual endeavours.

Pink Candle

Meaning: Love, Compassion, Emotional Healing

Uses: Pink candles are used for spells related to love, friendship, and emotional healing. They promote compassion, harmony, and gentle relationships.

Purple Candle

Meaning: Spirituality, Psychic Powers, Wisdom

Uses: Purple candles are associated with spirituality, intuition, and wisdom. They are used in rituals for enhancing psychic abilities, spiritual growth, and connecting with higher realms.

Orange Candle

Meaning: Creativity, Success, Enthusiasm

Uses: Orange candles are used to stimulate creativity, bring joy, and attract success. They are effective in spells for ambition, career advancement, and overcoming obstacles.

Brown Candle

Meaning: Stability, Grounding, Animal Protection

Uses: Brown candles are associated with grounding, stability, and protection for pets and animals. They are used in spells to enhance concentration, focus, and connect with nature.

Gold Candle

Meaning: Wealth, Success, Enlightenment

Uses: Gold candles are used to attract wealth, success, and enlightenment. They are effective in rituals for manifesting prosperity, achieving goals, and gaining recognition.

Silver Candle

Meaning: Intuition, Moon Magic, Reflection

Uses: Silver candles are associated with the moon and are used in spells for intuition, dreams, and reflection. They enhance psychic abilities and connect with lunar energies.

Magenta Candle

Meaning: Spiritual Healing, Fast Action, Change

Uses: Magenta candles are used for rapid change, spiritual healing, and overcoming obstacles. They are effective in spells requiring quick action and transformation.

Indigo Candle

Meaning: Intuition, Meditation, Psychic Development

Uses: Indigo candles are used to deepen intuition, aid meditation, and develop psychic skills. They are associated with inner wisdom and spiritual insights.

Turquoise Candle

Meaning: Emotional Balance, Healing, Creativity

Uses: Turquoise candles promote emotional balance, healing, and creative expression. They are used in spells for peace, protection, and enhancing artistic abilities.

Lavender Candle

Meaning: Peace, Tranquility, Spiritual Growth

Uses: Lavender candles are used to promote peace, tranquillity, and spiritual growth. They are effective in calming the mind, enhancing meditation, and connecting with the spiritual realm.

Each colour carries unique vibrations that can enhance your magickal workings. Whether you’re seeking love, protection, or prosperity, choosing the right candle colour can significantly amplify your intentions and bring your desires to fruition.

Saturday 22 June 2024

The Occult Significance of the Moon Phases

Each phase of the Moon is believed to influence energy and intention in distinct ways.

The New Moon, symbolizing new beginnings, is a time for setting intentions and planting seeds for future goals.

As the Moon waxes, growing in light, it enhances energies of growth and manifestation.

The Full Moon, at its brightest, is a powerful time for fruition, completion, and harnessing maximum energy for spells and rituals.

As the Moon wanes, its decreasing light supports letting go, banishing negativity, and introspection.

By aligning with the Moon's phases, practitioners can harmonize with the natural rhythms of the universe, amplifying their spiritual practices and personal transformation.


Friday 21 June 2024

What does your Moon Sign mean?

The Moon sign represents your emotional nature, inner world, and subconscious mind. It reflects how you react emotionally, your deepest needs, and what makes you feel secure. Understanding your Moon sign can provide insight into your emotional responses, innate habits, and how you seek comfort and nourishment in life. Here’s a look at what each Moon sign means:

Aries Moon

Key Traits: Impulsive, Passionate, Independent

Emotional Nature: Aries Moon individuals have a fiery and enthusiastic emotional nature. They are quick to react and often express their feelings openly and directly. They need excitement and autonomy to feel emotionally fulfilled, and they may have a strong desire to initiate new projects or experiences.

Needs: Independence, Spontaneity, Challenge

Challenges: Impatience, Impulsiveness, Mood Swings

Taurus Moon

Key Traits: Stable, Sensual, Grounded

Emotional Nature: Taurus Moon individuals are emotionally steady and value security and comfort. They are deeply connected to their physical senses and find solace in familiar surroundings. They seek stability in their relationships and are typically slow to anger, preferring to handle emotions in a calm and practical manner.

Needs: Security, Comfort, Routine

Challenges: Stubbornness, Resistance to Change, Possessiveness

Gemini Moon

Key Traits: Curious, Communicative, Adaptable

Emotional Nature: Gemini Moon individuals have a versatile and restless emotional nature. They need mental stimulation and thrive on variety and social interaction. Expressing feelings through conversation and intellectual engagement is essential for their emotional well-being.

Needs: Communication, Variety, Intellectual Engagement

Challenges: Inconsistency, Nervousness, Superficiality

Cancer Moon

Key Traits: Nurturing, Sensitive, Intuitive

Emotional Nature: Cancer Moon individuals are deeply sensitive and emotionally receptive. They have a strong need to nurture and be nurtured, often feeling a profound connection to family and home. They may be protective and caring, seeking emotional security through close relationships and a supportive environment.

Needs: Emotional Security, Family, Nurturing

Challenges: Moodiness, Clinginess, Hypersensitivity

Leo Moon

Key Traits: Generous, Dramatic, Warm-hearted

Emotional Nature: Leo Moon individuals are emotionally expressive and crave recognition and affection. They have a strong need to feel appreciated and valued, often displaying warmth and generosity. They seek drama and excitement in their emotional lives and enjoy being the centre of attention.

Needs: Appreciation, Affection, Creativity

Challenges: Egoism, Drama, Need for Constant Validation

Virgo Moon

Key Traits: Analytical, Practical, Service-oriented

Emotional Nature: Virgo Moon individuals are emotionally analytical and prefer practical, down-to-earth solutions to emotional issues. They need to feel useful and often find emotional fulfilment through helping others. They may have a tendency to worry and overanalyze their feelings.

Needs: Practicality, Order, Service

Challenges: Perfectionism, Self-criticism, Worry

Libra Moon

Key Traits: Harmonious, Diplomatic, Sociable

Emotional Nature: Libra Moon individuals seek balance and harmony in their emotional lives. They have a strong need for companionship and may feel most secure in relationships. They value peace and fairness and strive to maintain a pleasant and sociable atmosphere.

Needs: Relationships, Harmony, Balance

Challenges: Indecisiveness, Avoidance of Conflict, Dependency

Scorpio Moon

Key Traits: Intense, Transformative, Passionate

Emotional Nature: Scorpio Moon individuals have deep, intense emotions and a powerful need for transformation. They seek profound connections and are often driven by a desire for emotional truth. They may be secretive and possessive, with a strong focus on loyalty and intimacy.

Needs: Depth, Intensity, Transformation

Challenges: Jealousy, Secrecy, Emotional Extremes

Sagittarius Moon

Key Traits: Optimistic, Adventurous, Philosophical

Emotional Nature: Sagittarius Moon individuals are emotionally adventurous and seek freedom and expansion. They have a positive outlook and enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences. They need a sense of purpose and often find emotional fulfilment through learning and travel.

Needs: Freedom, Adventure, Knowledge

Challenges: Restlessness, Bluntness, Avoidance of Commitment

Capricorn Moon

Key Traits: Disciplined, Responsible, Ambitious

Emotional Nature: Capricorn Moon individuals have a disciplined and reserved emotional nature. They value structure and often find emotional security through achieving their goals and fulfilling their responsibilities. They may be cautious and self-reliant, with a strong focus on long-term stability.

Needs: Security, Achievement, Structure

Challenges: Emotional Repression, Rigidity, Workaholism

Aquarius Moon

Key Traits: Innovative, Independent, Humanitarian

Emotional Nature: Aquarius Moon individuals have a detached and intellectual emotional nature. They value independence and often approach emotions from a logical perspective. They are drawn to unconventional and progressive ideas and seek emotional fulfilment through social causes and innovation.

Needs: Independence, Social Connection, Innovation

Challenges: Detachment, Unpredictability, Rebellion

Pisces Moon

Key Traits: Compassionate, Intuitive, Dreamy

Emotional Nature: Pisces Moon individuals are deeply empathetic and emotionally sensitive. They have a strong connection to their inner world and often seek solace in spirituality and creative expression. They are compassionate and need to feel a sense of emotional connection and empathy.

Needs: Empathy, Spirituality, Creativity

Challenges: Escapism, Oversensitivity, Boundary Issues

Moon Houses

The house in which your Moon is located shows where you seek emotional security, how you react to situations, and what areas of life are significant for your emotional well-being. Here’s an explanation of what the Moon means in each house:

Moon in the 1st House

Key Themes: Identity, Appearance, Self-expression

Meaning: With the Moon in the 1st house, emotions are closely tied to your self-identity and how you present yourself to the world. You are likely to wear your heart on your sleeve and may find that your feelings are evident to others. Emotional well-being is tied to self-expression and personal authenticity, and you may have a strong need to be seen and acknowledged for who you are.

Moon in the 2nd House

Key Themes: Values, Finances, Self-worth

Meaning: The Moon in the 2nd house connects your emotional security with material possessions and personal values. You seek comfort through financial stability and tangible assets. Emotional well-being is often linked to how secure and valued you feel, which may drive a focus on accumulating wealth or ensuring a comfortable, stable environment.

Moon in the 3rd House

Key Themes: Communication, Learning, Immediate Environment

Meaning: With the Moon in the 3rd house, your emotional needs are tied to communication and mental stimulation. You find comfort in exchanging ideas, learning new things, and staying connected with your immediate surroundings, such as your siblings and neighbours. Emotional security is found through intellectual engagement and maintaining open lines of communication.

Moon in the 4th House

Key Themes: Home, Family, Roots

Meaning: The Moon in the 4th house highlights a deep emotional connection to home and family. You seek security through your domestic environment and often feel a strong pull towards your roots and ancestry. Creating a nurturing and stable home is crucial for your emotional well-being, and you may have a strong attachment to your family history and traditions.

Moon in the 5th House

Key Themes: Creativity, Romance, Children

Meaning: With the Moon in the 5th house, you seek emotional fulfilment through creative expression, romantic relationships, and activities that bring joy. You are likely to feel emotionally enriched by engaging in hobbies, artistic pursuits, and spending time with children. Your mood is influenced by your ability to express your individuality and enjoy life’s pleasures.

Moon in the 6th House

Key Themes: Work, Health, Daily Routines

Meaning: The Moon in the 6th house ties your emotional well-being to your work environment and daily routines. You find security through maintaining order, being productive, and taking care of your health. Emotional balance is achieved by feeling useful and contributing to the well-being of others, often through service-oriented roles or attention to detail in your everyday tasks.

Moon in the 7th House

Key Themes: Relationships, Partnerships, Social Interactions

Meaning: With the Moon in the 7th house, your emotions are deeply connected to your relationships and partnerships. You seek security through close connections and often feel emotionally balanced when in harmonious relationships. Your emotional needs are met through companionship, and you may have a strong desire to nurture and support your partners.

Moon in the 8th House

Key Themes: Transformation, Shared Resources, Intimacy

Meaning: The Moon in the 8th house emphasizes deep emotional experiences and transformation. You seek emotional security through intimate connections and shared resources. There is a strong need for depth and intensity in your emotional life, and you may be drawn to exploring psychological or spiritual realms. Issues related to power, control, and emotional vulnerability are significant.

Moon in the 9th House

Key Themes: Higher Learning, Travel, Philosophy

Meaning: With the Moon in the 9th house, emotional fulfilment is tied to exploration, both physical and intellectual. You find security through expanding your horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or philosophical pursuits. Your emotional well-being is enhanced by seeking truth and meaning, and you may have a strong desire to explore different cultures and belief systems.

Moon in the 10th House

Key Themes: Career, Public Life, Reputation

Meaning: The Moon in the 10th house connects your emotions to your career and public standing. You seek emotional security through professional achievements and recognition. Your sense of well-being is often tied to your reputation and the roles you play in public life. You may have a strong need to contribute meaningfully to society and be seen as responsible and capable.

Moon in the 11th House

Key Themes: Friendships, Groups, Aspirations

Meaning: With the Moon in the 11th house, your emotional needs are linked to your social circles and aspirations. You find comfort in being part of groups and working towards common goals. Emotional fulfilment comes from friendships and social connections, and you may have a strong desire to support collective causes and contribute to the greater good.

Moon in the 12th House

Key Themes: Spirituality, Solitude, Subconscious

Meaning: The Moon in the 12th house highlights a deep emotional connection to the spiritual and subconscious realms. You seek emotional security through introspection, solitude, and connecting with your inner world. This placement often involves a need for retreat and reflection, and you may find comfort in spiritual practices or artistic pursuits that allow you to explore your emotions in depth.

My Moon Sign is Sagittarius in the 2nd house, how about you? I hope you find it useful in your journey to know yourself better.

Thanks for watching.

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript often pops up, we are told how mysterious this book is, and that no one can decipher it and many have also come forward and said they have cracked the code. But each time their claims are debunked.

To this Gnostic Bishop who has created many grimoires myself, it seems obvious that this is someone's grimoire. They are written in code for a good reason, to keep our magick workings secret. If anyone should discover our secret musings they would never know what it means because every good magician has their own secret code.

So those who seek to nosy into someone else's magick workings will always come away more confused than enlightened. Our journey of self-discovery is a very personal thing, it is not for the eyes of the mundane.

May good fortune fall on the path of those seekers who dare to journey inside.