
Thursday 25 July 2024

Royalty Origins

Today's royals are not the old royals. Royalty didn't used to have anything to do with winning battles, fratricide or wanting to gain as much power and resources as possible.

We are often told that the concept of royalty is centuries old. It originated with the feudal systems of medieval Europe. Under feudalism, there were a few very powerful landowners who acquired large amounts of territory through military force or purchase. These landowners became high-ranking lords, and one of them was crowned king.

Before that, Plato and Aristotle considered aristocrats to be those who are morally and intellectually superior, and therefore fit to govern in the interests of the people. The term has come to mean the upper layer of a stratified group. Most aristocracies have been hereditary, and many European societies stratified their aristocratic classes by formally titling their members, thereby making the term roughly synonymous with nobility. 

And yet it goes much further back.

Some of the oldest recorded and evidenced monarchies were Narmer, Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt c. 3100 BCE, and Enmebaragesi, a Sumerian King of Kish c. 2600 BCE. From earliest records, monarchs could be directly hereditary, while others were elected from among eligible members.

In ancient times within the Serpent Bloodline tribes the aristocracy did mean just that, the tribe leaders were chosen on merit, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual attainment, and therefore were the best leaders. It had nothing to do with who had won a war and who was the most nasty and brutal. It was about who was noble, fair, kind and balanced. Maybe now you can see how the aristocracy and royalty have truly been taken over by the frauds of oligarchy.

You do not have to be of the Serpent Bloodline to be part of the real aristocracy and spiritual royalty, you simply have to be the right kind of person, who is doing the Great Work, wishes to improve themselves and help others. To encourage the noble ideals of Chivalry and to promote “Nobility through deeds of Charity & Honour”. To support the poor, the sick, and the unjustly accused, to stand against oppression and to protect Freedom & Liberty. That is what makes a good leader, and a member of the aristocracy and royalty, nothing else.

Modern "royal" families are only there because someone in their family line murdered someone else so their line could gain the titles. Does that really make a good leader? Do they deserve our support, admiration and money to support their lavish lifestyles?

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