
Friday 15 March 2024

Parthenogenetic Priestesses

For thousands of years, patriarchal religions have told us that men came first and that a woman came from a man. That men are complete and women are animals and second-class citizens. That women are incapable of being Divine or being Priests.

However, before we had patriarchy, we had matriarchy. All the ancient tribes were led by women, women were the first Shamanic spiritual leaders, who taught dream analysis and how to use herbs to cure ailments. They were also completely in tune with nature. Their bodies following the 13 month cycles of the Moon, menstruating during the dark Moon, and at the most fertile in the full Moon.

They taught how to open your mind to amazing experiences using psychotropic drugs, mainly magic mushrooms. This led to mushroom adoration in some tribes, as part of their various nature worship activities.

The Priestesses taught about the different seasons, and the movement of the Sun, Moon and the planets. They could predict when things were going to happen, by closely following these teachings.

These women would produce female clones of themselves using parthenogenesis. Special ceremonies would be carried out to achieve this under the full Moon. The women knew that they were the most fertile during the full Moon and so called it - being impregnated by the Moon Goddess.

Celebrations would happen at certain times of the year, mainly Beltane, as this was supposed to be the most fertile time of the year, not only in nature but in their own bodies, which are part of nature.

The first male was born after a mutation on one strand of the sex chromosomes.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 of these are equally matched. The exception, pair number 23, the sex chromosomes, are matched in the female (XX) and mismatched in the male (XY). We say mismatched because the Y-chromosome is shorter than its matching X-chromosome. The Y-chromosome has been called the male chromosome and the X-chromosome has been called the female chromosome. These names are not completely accurate descriptions but they have found their way into common usage. Because the Y-chromosome is shorter than the X-chromosome and is found only in males, some genes present on the mismatched X-chromosome are present without any matching alleles. Thus, genetic defects on the Y-chromosome affect only males.

Females have complete and matching DNA strands, however males don't.

Because women have two complete strands, they can become balanced and in tune with nature very easily. When trained their bodies again naturally line up with Luna cycles. They can easily learn how to open all their energy centres (chakras) and become enlightened. Unfortunately, most women have forgotten how to do this, because the teachings have been purposely hidden from us. It is also easier for women of certain ancient genetics to activate this within themselves, as they can easily tune into their genetic memories. Other women will struggle more. Please find out more about genetics in my book (Secrets of the Serpent Bloodline) and other articles here.

A male, however, is missing some of his DNA, and to activate this within himself he needs the help of a Priestess (a woman with fully open chakras). The Priestess is trained in Tantric arts and knows how to pass the energy on to a man under certain conditions and the male has had training in how to receive this energy. Once he has received this energy, this will replenish the shortened strand, as the Kundalini energy goes up his spine and activates his pineal gland. Again, men of certain genetics can do this much easier than others.

After many years of males being born, some of them decided they did not like women having all this power over them. They were unenlightened and didn't want to be enlightened by women, they began to resent women and became brutal and war-like. They raped the Priestesses and stole all their teachings and then destroyed all evidence of it so that women would no longer be able to know the truth about their own bodies and the Divine qualities of them.

Patriarchy was born. The men took the teachings and became the Priests. They suppressed women, as they didn't want them to ever find out the truth about enlightenment, and the mens need to receive it from a woman.

However, some kept the true teachings by passing this information on by word of mouth to their children, and their children also passed it on. These teachings became the underground stream of knowledge. They secretly worshipped the Goddess and gained amazing powers and enlightenment.

If any of these secret Orders were discovered they were destroyed by the Priests. Those who were passing these truths were hunted down and burnt as Witches and heretics.

Some families still display their secret knowledge in symbolism in their family coats of arms. Parthenogenesis is shown in symbol form as fish, mermaids, dragons, salamanders, snakes and lizards.

The Priests made sure no one would dare to worship the Goddess, by demonising everything to do with it. The feminine side was seen as left, so no one was allowed to use their left hand. Even today the Italian word for left is sinistra (sinister).

Lucifer was used as a reference to Goddess worship as it secretly meant Venus - the morning or evening star.

Venus traces a perfect pentacle across the ecliptic sky every eight years. So astonished were the ancients to observe this phenomenon that Venus and her pentacle became symbols of perfection, beauty and the cyclic qualities of sexual love. As a tribute to the magic of Venus, the Greeks used her eight-year cycle to organise their Olympic games.

The pentagram - or pentacle is considered both divine and magical by many cultures because if you draw a pentagram, the lines automatically divide themselves into segments according to the Divine Proportion. The ratios of the line segments in a pentacle all equal PHI making this symbol the ultimate expression of the Divine Proportion. For this reason, the five-pointed star has always been the symbol of beauty and perfection associated with the Goddess and the sacred feminine.

The Sacred Geometry of Nature, again is all about the Goddess, Mother Nature, who created us all.

Satan - also another name for the Goddess, represented as Sirius the Dog Star, that represents Isis.

What about the mention of other Gods?

Gods and prophets throughout the ages have been created to represent whichever age we happen to be in and they are all based on the original Astrotheology teachings of the Goddess.

Each Astrological Age brings with it a new era where major changes happen on the Earth.

Sumer, Mesopotamia era was in Gemini, this is why we have the stories about twins, one good, one bad, who battled to control the Earth.

These Gods and prophets are all allegory for Astrotheology.

The Priests wrote the bible, and myths all based on these. But then told people it is evil to look to the stars for answers, they did this to keep you dumb and unaware, while they used these lies to control everyone.

The Divine Feminine is returning, and we will at last have the truth revealed. At last, we can have equality and harmony, where women no longer have to be suppressed and men no longer need to feel threatened by women, because we will work together to bring balance.

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