
Saturday, 14 October 2023

People would do well to remember that they are only here on Earth for a short time, the Earth has been here a very long time and will be here a long time after we have gone.

At any moment Mother Nature can decide to remove us from this place instantly. She only has to breathe out a massive sigh about what we are doing to her, and her breath will blow the ocean waters onto the lands that many are at war over, trying to purloin it all for themselves. We can never truly own land, we can only borrow it while we are here at the grace of our Mother.

Anyone who thinks they are more than this is foolish and deluded.

Thursday, 12 October 2023


Have you ever wondered why gold is so precious and sought after?

Apart from the fact that it doesn't degrade or rust of course. It is created and only created in the last dying seconds of a star's life when a supernova of extreme heat is happening.

The explosion is only hot enough to create gold in the very heart of the star, for around a minute and supernovas only happen about once a century, making gold extremely rare.

Through the death of a sun, gold is made, and shot out at great speed, which is how we have some on Earth, and this is the very same way life was created on our planet. When the building blocks of life arrived on Earth from a star.

The story of the origin of the chemical building blocks of life is magickal and amazing. The ingredients were created in the hearts of ancient suns, thrown out into the universe at their deaths, and eventually brought back together to form our solar system.

The elements we hold most precious were forged at the moment of cosmic alchemy during stellar deaths. Through the vast cycle of magnificent cosmic death and rebirth. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes to create new life our bodies when we die return to the universe, ready to create new life.

How wonderful to be part of this grand cosmic play, each of us a tiny part of something majestic and wonderful.

We are all made from stars, we all come from the stars, and we all have a spark of the sun we came from inside our hearts, waiting to be ignited when we become Theolalites.

©Copyright Tau Tia L Douglass 26th April 2010