
Thursday 29 February 2024

Awakening Serpent Genes Isolation

Do you ever wonder why your presence seems to overwhelm others even when you're not trying?

This question opens the door to the enigmatic world of the one with awakening serpent genes—individuals who, by their very nature, stand apart from the crowd. These are the ones who carry an air of mystery, possessing unique attributes that are both a gift and a curse in the Realms of spirituality.

Those with awakening serpent genes often find their path is one of solitude and misunderstanding. This journey into their world explores the delicate balance between their powerful essence and the isolation it inevitably brings.

The first reason why one with awakening serpent genes finds themselves shrouded in solitude is rooted in the sheer intensity of their presence. When they step into a room, the air shifts, charged with an electrifying energy that receives attention without a single word spoken. The overwhelming presence of the one with awakening serpent genes, imbued with an almost otherworldly energy, does more than just fill a room—it alters the very fabric of interactions, weaving threads of intensity into every exchange.

This energy, both magnetic and formidable, acts as a beacon drawing in those around them with the promise of depth and authenticity. Yet, as individuals come closer, they are met with a force that transcends mere personality—a powerful essence that vibrates with the raw purity of the universe itself.

It's this unbridled intensity that unsettles the core of those they encounter, igniting a visceral reaction that oscillates between awe and discomfort. The one with awakening serpent genes' aura, laden with the wisdom of Ages and the strength of untold stories, is not something that can be dimmed or concealed; it shines forth as a lighthouse in the tumultuous Seas of human interaction, guiding but also warning.

People feel this energy and are instinctively drawn to its source, yet find themselves unprepared for the torrent of emotions it unleashes within them. The presence of one with awakening serpent genes doesn't just illuminate; it penetrates, reaching into the deepest recesses of the soul to awaken dormant fears and desires.

This profound impact, while a testament to the one with awakening serpent genes' power, also fosters a sense of vulnerability in others, prompting a retreat into the safety of the familiar and the mundane. This retreat is not merely physical but emotional and spiritual.

As individuals grapple with the revelations sparked by the one with awakening serpent genes' presence, the fear that arises is twofold. It's not merely the fear of the unknown, but a profound unease that comes from being in the presence of someone who embodies strength and depth to such an extent that it mirrors the voids within others.

This involuntary mirror effect is powerful enough to expose vulnerabilities and insecurities and leads to an instinctive retreat. People confronted with the magnitude of such a presence find themselves intimidated, their own spirits quailing in the face of the one with awakening serpent genes' undeniable force.

This is not a deliberate assertion of dominance but a natural emanation of their being, a radiance so intense that it can isolate the one with awakening serpent genes even amid a crowd.

The result is a paradoxical existence where the one with awakening serpent genes' profound capacity for connection and transformation becomes the very thing that engenders isolation. Thus the one with awakening serpent genes walks a path of isolation. Their journey is marked by the deep footprints of those who have come close but retreated in fear.

Theirs is a world where the light of their presence, though bright, often illuminates paths that few are willing to tread. In this way, the one with awakening serpent genes' greatest gift is their intense, all-encompassing energy, which becomes their most profound challenge as they navigate a world that yearns for depth yet recoils at its touch.

The second reason for the one with awakening serpent genes' path of solitude stems from their innate preference for the sanctity of solitude, or the intimate company of a select few, where the depths of their essence can be truly appreciated and understood.

This deliberate choice is not borne out of disdain for larger gatherings but from a profound recognition of the dissonance that often arises in such settings. In the cacophony of the crowd, the one with awakening serpent genes' profound vibrations resonating with the ancient wisdom and the silent whispers of the universe become muddled, and their sacred messages are lost in the superficial exchange of pleasantries.

It is in the quiet of solitude, or the warmth of close-knit circles, that their spirit can soar unencumbered by the need to dilute their essence to fit the molds of societal expectations. The discomfort and misunderstanding that bloom in the bustling environments of larger social settings stem from a fundamental mismatch in frequencies. The one with awakening serpent genes operates on a wavelength that seeks depth, authenticity, and meaningful connection—qualities that are often overshadowed by the shallow interactions that dominate large social gatherings.

In these environments, their attempts to forge genuine connections are met with perplexity and unease as their intensity and depth unsettle those unprepared for such encounters. The one with awakening serpent genes are acutely aware of this mismatch and feel the isolating walls of misunderstanding rise around them as their efforts to connect on a level that transcends the mundane are met with polite smiles that mask an underlying discomfort.

This isolation is not merely a physical separation but a protective barrier the one with awakening serpent genes erect around their essence. It is a conscious choice to preserve their energy and maintain the integrity of their spiritual path, understanding that the true value of their presence is best shared in environments where it can be fully received and honoured.

The one with awakening serpent genes, therefore, navigates the social landscape with a discerning heart, gravitating towards spaces and individuals that resonate with their own vibrational frequency. Here in the sanctity of solitude or the company of a few, they find the freedom to express their profound insights and share their luminous energy without reservation, knowing that here they are understood, valued, and most importantly, seen for who they truly are.

The third reason the one with awakening serpent genes stands alone amidst the crowd is rooted in the intricate dance of fear and attraction they invariably incite in others, a dichotomy that weaves a complex tapestry of social dynamics around them. This duality is not merely a reaction but a profound reflection of the human psyche's response to the extraordinary.

The one with awakening serpent genes embodies a paradox, a beacon of light whose brightness both beckons and blinds, a mirror whose clarity reveals and intimidates, their presence commands attention, exuding a charisma that is as undeniable as it is unsettling, for it is imbued with a depth and authenticity that goes beyond the superficial allure of charisma. It is this very depth that pulls people in, an invisible thread that tugs at the soul, promising the kind of profound connection and understanding that lies at the heart of human longing.

Yet as individuals draw nearer, they are confronted with the full force of the one with awakening serpent genes' Essence, a force so potent it threatens to shatter the illusions upon which many base their lives. This confrontation with the unvarnished truth of their own being reflected back at them through the one with awakening serpent genes' gaze, triggers a primal fear. It is the fear of being seen for who they truly are, of having the depths of their souls laid bare, of facing the shadows they've worked so hard to hide.

This fear, potent and primal, often overrides the initial attraction, leading to a retreat into the safety of the familiar, where the complexities of such a profound connection can be avoided. The result of this dichotomy is a labyrinth of social interactions where the one with awakening serpent genes is both sought after and avoided, a figure of intrigue who is simultaneously revered and feared. This paradoxical existence creates a solitude that is both imposed and chosen, for the one with awakening serpent genes quickly learns that the depth of connection they seek and offer is too intense for many to bear; thus, they find themselves walking a solitary path not out of desire but necessity as they navigate a world that is drawn to their light but daunted by the truth it reveals.

In this solitude, the one with awakening serpent genes becomes a solitary lighthouse, guiding those few brave souls who are willing to navigate the treacherous waters of self-discovery and transformation while standing apart from those who choose the safety of the shore.

The fourth reason that carves the solitary path of the one with awakening serpent genes with such poignant clarity is the profound challenge they encounter in forging authentic connections. This struggle stems not from a lack of desire for companionship but from the extraordinary depth and intensity that are the hallmarks of their being. The ones with awakening serpent genes, by their very nature, are beings of profound depth, their souls resonating with the echoes of ancient wisdom and truths that transcend the mundane.

Their quest for connections is a quest for mirrors that can reflect this depth, for hearts that do not shy away from the intensity of their fire but instead are drawn to it, willing to share in the light and warmth it provides. However, such connections are rare, as rare as the one with awakening serpent genes themselves. The rarity is not a matter of coincidence but a consequence of the unique blend of strength, authenticity, and depth that defines them.

To engage with one with awakening serpent genes on the level they crave and offer is to embark on a journey that demands vulnerability, courage, and a willingness to explore the uncharted territories of one's own soul. It is a journey that many, despite an initial allure, find too daunting to undertake. The intensity of the one with awakening serpent genes' presence, while a beacon of light, also illuminates the shadows many would rather leave unexplored, leading to a retreat into the safety of more superficial connections.

This challenge in finding genuine understanding relationships leaves the one with awakening serpent genes walking a tightrope between the longing for deep connections and the acceptance of the solitude their intensity often necessitates. It is a solitude that is both a refuge and a prison, offering peace from the misunderstandings of the world yet also echoing with the silence of unshared depths.

The one with awakening serpent genes, therefore, becomes custodians of sacred loneliness, guardians of a depth that few can comprehend, let alone reciprocate. Yet within this challenge lies the beauty of the one with awakening serpent genes' journey, for when these rare connections do occur, they are transcendent, forged in the fires of shared depth and understanding, capable of withstanding the vicissitudes of life with a strength that is as unyielding as it is rare.

These connections, though few, become the beacon that lights the one with awakening serpent genes' path, reminding them that even in a world that often feels too shallow for their depth, there are souls that can and will dive into the abyss with them, embracing the intensity of their essence in all its terrifying beauty.

The fifth reason delineating the solitary journey of the one with awakening serpent genes is intricately tied to the realm of spiritual warfare, a dimension where battles invisible to the naked eye rage with implications far beyond our earthly comprehension. This warfare is not fought with weapons forged from steel but with the more potent forces of authenticity, integrity, and truth—qualities that the one with awakening serpent genes embody in their very essence.

Their presence in any space does not merely fill it but transforms it, acting as a catalyst that ignites a spiritual alchemy, transmuting falsehood into truth, shadow into light. This transformation, while a beacon for those seeking the path of authenticity, becomes a threat to the foundations upon which inauthenticity is built.

The one with awakening serpent genes' authentic presence serves as a mirror, one that reflects not just the surface but the depths of those they encounter. In this reflection, the discrepancies between who we are and who we pretend to be are laid bare, exposing the facades behind which many hide. This exposure is unsettling, for it confronts individuals with the parts of themselves they've worked tirelessly to conceal, not just from the world but from their own consciousness.

The discomfort that arises from this confrontation often manifests as avoidance or, in some cases, direct confrontation as individuals react to the threat posed to their constructed selves. This spiritual warfare then becomes a daily reality for the one with awakening serpent genes, as their mere presence challenges the status quo, demanding authenticity in a world that often settles for less.

They become the unwitting warriors of truth, their armour made of the unwavering strength of their convictions and their shield of the deep, unshakable knowledge of their purpose. Yet this warfare takes its toll, for the one with awakening serpent genes often finds themselves standing alone on the battlefield, misunderstood by those they wish to free from the chains of inauthenticity.

The avoidance and confrontation they face are not merely reactions to their presence but a testament to the power of their essence to disrupt the illusions upon which inauthentic lives are built. Thus the one with awakening serpent genes navigate a world where authenticity is both their greatest strength and their most isolating burden—warriors in a spiritual battle that is as ancient as it is ongoing, fighting not for dominion but for the liberation of the human spirit from the confines of falsehood.

The sixth reason the one with awakening serpent genes navigates their existence apart from the throng stems from a profound misalignment with societal norms and expectations. These unique individuals are often the architects of their own worlds, their values and perspectives carving out realms that stand in stark contrast to the status quo.

This divergence is not a mere preference but a deep-seated necessity born from an intrinsic calling to live in truth and authenticity. One with awakening serpent genes, by their very nature, are wired to challenge, question, and transcend the conventional, making them inherently at odds with mainstream culture.

In typical social settings where conversations skim the surface of life's ocean, one with awakening serpent genes finds little to anchor their deep-seated interests and convictions. The mundane chatter of daily existence, focused on the ephemeral and the material, offers no sustenance to souls hungering for depth and meaning.

This disconnect is not merely intellectual but visceral, as one with awakening serpent genes feel an almost physical discomfort when forced to confine their vastness into the small boxes of societal expectations. It's akin to asking a giant to shrink itself to fit into a dollhouse—no matter how accommodating the giant tries to be, the fit will never be right, and the discomfort is inevitable.

As a consequence of this misalignment, one with awakening serpent genes often find themselves retreating into the sanctity of solitude or the company of a select few who have also glimpsed beyond the veil of societal norms. In these spaces, they're free to explore and express the full spectrum of their being without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.

These are the realms where conversations dive deep, where the currency is authenticity, and where the soul is nourished on a diet of philosophical musings, spiritual explorations, and the relentless quest for truth. In embracing their misalignment with societal norms, one with awakening serpent genes embodies the courage to live in accordance with their inner truths, serving as beacons for others who feel the same dissonance but fear the journey into the unknown.

Their existence is a testament to the power of authenticity, a reminder that true belonging is found not in conforming to the world outside but in honouring the world within.

The seventh reason behind the one with awakening serpent genes' inclination towards solitude and select company unfurls from their unshakable call to a higher purpose. This calling is not a whisper but a clarion call that resonates deep within their bones, compelling them towards a destiny that far transcends the confines of ordinary existence.

It is a mission imbued with the weight of the soul's purpose, a purpose that often demands a profound commitment to introspection, meditation, and the relentless honing of their unique abilities and understanding. For the one with awakening serpent genes, this call to a higher purpose is as essential as breathing, an integral part of their being that cannot be ignored or dismissed.

In the face of such a sacred mission, the cacophony of large gatherings and the shallowness of everyday interactions can seem not just unappealing but antithetical to their profound journey. Engaging in activities or conversations that do not resonate with their deep-seated purpose feels akin to squandering precious time and energy—resources that are better allocated to pursuits that align with their spiritual and existential goals.

Therefore, the ones with awakening serpent genes find themselves naturally gravitating away from the hustle and bustle of conventional social life, seeking instead the clarity and tranquillity that solitude offers. This solitude is not a retreat but a strategic choice, a fertile ground for the one with awakening serpent genes to cultivate their inner landscapes, to delve into the depths of their souls, and to connect with the universal energies that guide their path.

It is in these moments of quietude and reflection that they receive insights, develop their abilities, and strengthen their resolve to fulfil their calling. The one with awakening serpent genes understands that to answer this call, they must be willing to stand apart from the crowd, to live on the margins of society where the voice of their destiny can be heard most clearly.

This journey, while solitary, offers a profound opportunity for self-discovery and growth, a chance to delve into the depths of their being and emerge with a strengthened sense of self. The key to navigating this path lies in the adoption of strategies that not only mitigate the pangs of isolation but also celebrate the distinct qualities that set them apart.

One foundational strategy is the cultivation of self-acceptance, a deliberate practice of acknowledging and valuing one's unique attributes. This practice involves a deeply introspective journey, one where the one with awakening serpent genes learns to listen to the whispers of their own souls, understanding that their intense energy and profound depth are not burdens but gifts.

Through meditation, journaling, or creative expression, one with awakening serpent genes can explore the landscapes of their inner worlds, finding peace in the authenticity of their own company. This peace, born from self-acceptance, becomes a sanctuary, a place of strength from which they can engage with the world without losing themselves in it.

Parallel to the journey of self-acceptance is the quest for like-minded individuals or communities. Despite the rarity of connections that can withstand the intensity of their presence, such souls do exist—other ones with awakening serpent genes, perhaps, or those few who seek depth and authenticity with the same fervour.

Finding these individuals or communities requires patience and a willingness to venture beyond conventional social circles to places where spirituality, creativity, and deep philosophical discussions are not just welcomed but cherished. Online forums, workshops, and gatherings centred around shared interests can serve as fertile ground for these connections, offering a sense of belonging and understanding that is often elusive in everyday interactions.

Moreover, one with awakening serpent genes can harness their isolation as a period of unparalleled creativity and spiritual growth, using their solitude to delve into practices that enrich their inner lives and expand their understanding of the universe. Whether through art, writing, or spiritual exploration, these practices allow them to channel their intense energy and deep insights into creations that can inspire and heal others, turning their isolation into a wellspring of contribution.

In embracing their uniqueness amidst isolation, one with awakening serpent genes embark on a journey of transformation, one where the very qualities that set them apart become their greatest strengths. It is a journey that demands courage and vulnerability, but it is also one that leads to the ultimate realization that in the depth of their solitude lies the potential for a profound connection, not just with others but with the deepest, most authentic parts of themselves.

This realization, once embraced, becomes a beacon of light guiding them toward a future where their uniqueness is not just accepted but celebrated, a future where they find their tribe not by dimming their light but by shining it more brightly than ever before. One with awakening serpent genes, with their unparalleled energy, serve as mirrors, reflectors of truth in a world that often shies away from the depths of authenticity.

Their journey, though marked by solitude, is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that in the quest for genuine connection and understanding, one must first embrace the fullness of one's own essence. The value of one with awakening serpent genes in society cannot be overstated, for they are the pioneers, the visionaries, and the silent guardians of depth and authenticity.

Their path, though fraught with challenges, is rich with the potential for profound personal and collective transformation. As we conclude this exploration, it is crucial to reaffirm the importance of self-realization and acceptance for one with awakening serpent genes. Their journey towards embracing their uniqueness is not just a personal victory but a collective boon, for in their authenticity lies the blueprint for a more enlightened and connected humanity.

May we, as fellow travellers on this journey of self-discovery and growth, learn from their example and embrace the fullness of our own beings, recognizing that it is in our uniqueness that we find our truest power and purpose.

The Truth About Atlantis

cDescribed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias," Atlantis is said to have been an advanced island civilization that existed thousands of years ago.

According to Plato's accounts, Atlantis was located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," often identified with the Strait of Gibraltar, in the Atlantic Ocean. The civilization was said to have been founded by a powerful and technologically advanced race known as the Atlanteans, who possessed great wealth, military prowess, and knowledge of engineering and architecture.

The society of Atlantis was described as utopian in many respects, with sophisticated infrastructure, grand palaces, and a complex system of governance. The Atlanteans were said to have created a prosperous and harmonious civilization, living in harmony with nature and enjoying the benefits of their advanced technology.

However, according to Plato, the prosperity of Atlantis was eventually undone by its own hubris and moral decay. The Atlanteans became increasingly corrupt and decadent, leading the gods to punish them for their transgressions. In a cataclysmic event, Atlantis was said to have been engulfed by the sea, sinking beneath the waves and disappearing from the face of the Earth.

The story of Atlantis has inspired countless theories and interpretations over the centuries. Some scholars believe that Plato's accounts were purely allegorical or fictional, intended to convey philosophical or moral lessons rather than describe a literal historical civilization. Others have proposed various locations for the lost island, ranging from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence for the existence of Atlantis, the legend continues to capture the popular imagination. Archaeologists, historians, and explorers have searched for traces of the lost civilization, with some claiming to have discovered potential sites or artefacts linked to Atlantis. However, conclusive proof of Atlantis's existence remains elusive, leaving the mystery of this enigmatic civilization shrouded in speculation and intrigue.

In my books, videos and blog posts I have talked about advanced technology of the past. And although we never called ourselves Atlantians, we did have various civilisations in the past. I have also talked about how time resets after every three Aeons have gone full circle. What we always need to remember is that time moves in cycles, what we think of as advanced would be useless and obsolete in the distant past, but as time resets all the technology was lost each time.

And as far as sunken cities go, there is a lot less land than there used to be. The UK didn't used to be separated from the rest of Europe by sea, you could walk across. And various other places on the globe are also now underwater. So many cities will be underwater and forgotten. And as time moves on and the water recedes, that land will surface again, forever changing how future maps will look.

So it is entirely possible that one such area or city was indeed called Atlantis in the past.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Exposing Esoteric Symbolism of Masonic Aprons

Masonic aprons are rich with hidden symbolism that even the initiates are not informed about, here I will expose the secret esoteric symbolism and what it really means and why.

Aprons - Well what are they?

An apron is a clothing garment that protects the wearer and stops their normal clothes from getting ruined. For example, a person who is cooking, doing carpentry, working as a blacksmith or doing stonework would all wear aprons. However, these aprons are a full length in size by this I mean they cover from the chest down to about the mid-thigh area of the legs. Whereas a masonic apron is worn from the waist down.

The wearing of an apron has been used in religious ceremonies, for example, the Egyptian and Hebrew priests wore an Abnet which was considered an apron and it was meant to represent Authority.

In the case of the apron in Masonry, it is an item that is used as a mark of favour from the Worshipful Master. The candidate is invested and is told that this is the badge of honour of the degree the mason has just taken part in.

Masonic aprons vary greatly depending on which country you are in and also the aprons of the past were different to more modern ones. Here I am focusing on those found in the blue lodges in the UK.

After being initiated the new apprentice is invested with a white lambskin apron. Where he is told that it is an ancient emblem of purity and innocence. More honourable than the garter and older than the Roman eagle. He should always look after it as it will look after him!

However, when worn over the area related to animal passions, the pure lambskin signifies the regeneration of the procreative forces and their consecration to the service of the Eagles.

As the candidate is passed to the second degree, the lambskin apron is replaced with one that has two sky-blue rosettes on it, the Emulation ritual in use states that it shows the candidate's progress in the science of Freemasonry. In the Emulation Ritual book, there is no extended or traditional explanation of the sudden addition of the two blue rosettes or even the colour apart from these additions "mark the progress you have made in the science."

To mark the candidate's raising to the sublime degree of a Master Mason the apron has changed from a white lambskin apron with 2 rosettes. One with a sky-blue ribbon around the apron with an additional rosette on the triangular flap, there are two vertical ribbons on the apron with seven metal tassels attached to each of the vertical ribbons. The apron is no longer secured to the wearer by a white string and tied. But with a sky-blue ribbon that is clasped together by a metal serpent.

The standard text in the blue book passes over the whole change by saying "to mark the further progress you have made in the Science” Here is the explanation from the ritual book:

I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a Master Mason to mark the further progress you have made in the science. Your white lambskin apron has been replaced by one with a light blue border, having three rosettes arranged in a triangular fashion with the point uppermost. The colour of the silk, the triangle and the three rosettes have special meanings.

The two vertical ribbons typify …. And …. The importance of which has already been explained to you. To each of these ribbons seven tassels are attached to remind us that no Lodge is perfect unless seven Brethren are present, that in olden days the seven ages of man were thought to be influenced by seven then known planets, and no Master Mason was considered efficient unless he had some knowledge of the seven liberal arts and sciences.

The Seven liberal arts and sciences are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Music, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Astronomy.

This is what the Masons are told, however. Here is my own interpretation from my own experience with my wealth of esoteric and Serpent knowledge.

The colour is blue because it represents the feminine and water, and it is the colour Priests wear during the Great Rite.

The 3 rosettes represent the trinity, the Mother, the Father and the Divine child of the new Aeon.

The 7 tassels represent the 7 chakras that the Serpent Kundalini energy moves through on illumination.

The Serpent clasp is of course symbolic of this Serpent energy and wisdom that they desire so much.

Aprons were worn by entered Apprentices at the building of King Solomon's temple. The way the apron is worn is changed with each degree.

7 not only represents the chakras.

The number 7 is a reoccurring theme within the Craft; 3 principal officers and 2 Deacons, Inner Guard and a Tyler. These 7 represent the "seven-fold" constitution of Man's nature. 

The seven are:

1. The Body, or Rupa.

2. Vitality, or Prana-Jiva.

3. Astral Body, or Linga-Sarira.

4. Animal Soul, or Kama-Rupa

5. Human Soul, or Manas.

6. Spiritual Soul, or Buddhi.

7. Spirit, or Atma.

The body, Spiritual Soul and Spirit being part of the teachings of St. Paul for example:

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be

preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

The Atma is Spirit, Buddhi is the highest power of intellection, that which discerns and judges, and Manas is Mind. They form the trinity that was allegorised in Christianity as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Making them a divine triangle or Real Man. However, the true Gnostic trinity is, of course, the mother, the father and the divine child. The Eagles always remove the feminine from their trinity.

The other four are known as the quaternary or lower man and are the materialistic side of Man.

 Passions and desires (Kama-Rupa)

 Life principle (Prana-Jiva)

 Astral body (Linga-Sarira)

 Physical body (Rupa)

Making a square of matter/body the imperfections of man that a Mason must overcome on his journey to enlightenment.

The triangle has been used in Ancient Mystery systems throughout the world to signify or denote the Spirit or that which is not obvious to the eye. An upwards pointing triangle also represents fire, looking at the religion of Hinduism they have Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (Destroyer). Shiva is represented by a triangle and signifies the flame which rises upwards from a funeral pyre. This flame in essence points to Heaven.

Egypt is famous for its pyramids, which are triangular in shape. These places are said to be tombs for the dead but as I have pointed out before they are actually places where rituals took place for spiritual development and initiation. Even if they are as academia suggests tombs then the burial chamber was said to have a sealed door or Spirit door that allowed the dead Pharaoh to transcend to the next life.

Again, this confirms the idea that the triangle represents the Spirit. In Christianity, a spire is used on the tops of Churches and Cathedrals to show this flame of the spirit in its aspirations to reach for God or to the Heavens.

Spires do not start from the ground but rest on top of rectangular towers, which match the quadrangle shape section of the apron. This part of the apron is meant to represent Matter, the world or Materialism. Something that can be measured and weighed by the senses of man.

Therefore, it is something with form in which case it is an allegory for the body of man like the triangle is an allegory for the spirit of man, as well as a phallic symbol.

The apron if displayed with the flap extended with the uppermost point pointing up then what we have is a representation of the spirit of the candidate outside of his body and not within his body or his consciousness. Yes, the Candidate has gone through a cleansing ceremony of initiation but at this point, the spirit does not know whether the body will continue with the ideals it has purported to do. The spirit is therefore tethered to the body via two cords keeping the spirit and body together and these cords take the place of the Cable Tow.

Reminding you to be cautious and not to rush forward, as you work to bring union between your spirit and body. Why does the spirit need to be tethered to the body, for although the body has said it will give up the want of monies and the lures of the world in the ritual he has passed through, the spirit is not fully convinced that the body will stay the course it has just started!

The apron is made from a lamb as the lamb itself is considered a symbol of innocence as is the colour white, hence its use as the primary colour of wedding dresses, baptism robes etc.

Within the initiation ritual, they are asked if they have about their person any metallic or valuable substance. This again comes back to the idea that no metal substance was on the high priest when he went to the sanctum sanctorum once a year to offer devotion to the Most Divine.

Fellow Craft's Apron

This apron is made from a white lambskin with two sky-blue rosettes on the square, the triangular flap is now pointing down to the centre of the square. This is to signify that the candidate has made further progress in the science of freemasonry and his spirit (here symbolised by the triangle) has descended into his body (the square).

Looking again at Hinduism the downward triangle represents Vishnu the Preserver. It symbolises rain which preserves the fruitful earth. Therefore, the down-pointing triangle in the square means the descent of the divine spirit into matter.

It thus represents the candidate has subdued his passion and material needs and is becoming in tune with his spirit. Although this bond is not fully complete as the apron is still secured to the wearer by the symbolic cable-tow represented by the cords around the waist.

In this degree they learn that plenty is depicted as an ear of corn near a fall of water, this appears on the apron as the two rosettes. As they are the seeds planted in the first degree and are now sprouting as the Candidate understands his spiritual progress. As the sun and rain fertilise the seeds of the corn so through wisdom and guidance the Candidate can now begin to perceive his spirit within his body. The colour of the rosettes represents the colour of the heavens, these flowers on his "body" as emblems of the spirit's celestial origins.

The entered apprentice degree is the foundation degree, preparing the candidate to begin his journey to enlightenment, ergo planting the ideas and principles within him. The Fellowcrafts degree shows the mid-point of his passing from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence on the path to enlightenment. The rosettes symbolise this as the soul and body are established in strength.

Note the idea of the two pillars one the priestly pillar Jacin and the kingly pillar Boaz. Establishing this mind house to stand firm forever! Or a Mason's internalised Temple.

Master Mason's Apron

The apron has now been altered again signifying the candidate’s strengthening spiritual centre not only has a third rosette flourished in the centre of the triangle but the three rosettes together make a triangle showing that the spirit of this man is firmly within the body in a balanced union.

The apron now contains metallic substances, even though in previous degrees we had denounced them ensuring none was about their person. But it should be pointed out that silver in ancient times symbolised the soul, as gold referred to the spirit. The cord has been replaced by a sky-blue ribbon held together by a silver serpent which in itself is a symbol that represents Divine Wisdom. The silver tassels are the light that comes from above illuminating his intelligence it is not surprising that there are 7 tassels as white light is made up of seven waveforms of the electromagnetic spectrum. These are attached to sky-blue sashes that are vertical, Heaven's blue and heavenly light shining in the middle of the apron.

The new-made Master Mason has gone through a figurative death and come out of it resurrected as a new being, "the perfected Initiate has mastered his lower nature and has become the Perfect Man." He is no longer ruled by materialistic views or wants but now focuses on the more spiritual plain.

Of course in Masonry this is all just symbolic because they don't actually do the Great Work, they just get together for meetings and have each other's back and help each other's businesses. And these 3 degrees are what most Masons believe that is all there are. They pay their membership fees and enjoy the events and advantages of being part of the group, but most never get invited to the other higher levels, and most will never know that those levels even exist. And it is within those higher degrees that the reality and level of manipulation into world events really unfolds.

More symbolism

The Premier Grand Lodge had ruled in the 18th century that its Grand Lodge officers would wear Royal Blue which was coincidently the ruling Monarch's family colour. Scotland chose green which was the Stuarts’ royal house colour and as this was the period of the Jacobite rebellion it would be have been unpatriotic to have green on the regalia in England at that time. It had been decided that the Grand Stewards Lodge would wear crimson as such Acting Stewards still wear crimson today.

The apron is light blue to distinguish it from the Royal blue that is worn by the Grand Ranks. At one point it had been suggested that the Master of the lodge should wear Orange but that is the Colour of the Dutch Royal House, therefore, the idea was rejected. In North America, some of the Masters wear Purple to differentiate between them and the Master Masons in the lodge.

Installed and Past Masters

Installed Masters and Past Master aprons have a slightly different design as the rosettes are replaced by upside-down T shapes. Now some theories say they are 3 TAUs but this is more of a Royal Arch symbol. But they are not the TAU symbol but The T cross, the symbol of the Male side of the Deity and also to emphasise its phallic meaning.

Why are lies more popular than truth?

People may be more willing to fall for lies than the truth due to several cognitive biases and psychological factors:

Immediate Gratification: Lies often provide immediate benefits or avoid short-term discomfort, whereas truth-telling may entail facing consequences or discomfort in the moment. People might opt for lies to gain personal advantage quickly. This is especially true for spiritual seekers who are on the lookout for a quick fix from someone else, rather than working on themselves.

Social Influence: Social dynamics, peer pressure, and the desire to conform to group norms can influence people to accept lies propagated by their social circles or communities, even if they are untrue. Following the crowd is always going to be more comfortable than forging your own path and seeking the actual truth.

Complexity of Truth: The truth can sometimes be nuanced or uncomfortable, requiring effort to understand and accept. Lies, on the other hand, can simplify situations or provide a convenient explanation, even if they are ultimately deceptive.

Manipulation and Control: In some cases, individuals may lie to manipulate or control others for personal gain or to maintain power dynamics. Lies can be used to deceive, influence opinions, or gain an advantage over others. This is very easy to achieve when people are seeking answers, a lie that makes someone feel special and unique is always going to be more popular than cold hard facts. People who are still living in ego, that is before they have become illuminated, are always going to be easier to lie to for this reason.

Confirmation Bias: Individuals may be more inclined to believe information that aligns with their existing beliefs or desires, even if it is false. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and the perpetuation of lies, especially in echo chambers or online communities.

Cognitive Dissonance: Individuals experience discomfort when confronted with information that contradicts their beliefs or values. To reduce this discomfort, they may reject the truth or rationalize their beliefs, making them more susceptible to accepting lies that are more psychologically comforting.

Emotional Influence: Lies are sometimes crafted to evoke strong emotional responses, such as fear, anger, or hope. Emotions can cloud judgment and lead people to accept information without critically evaluating its validity.

Trust in Authority: People may trust information from perceived authority figures or sources without question, especially if it aligns with their existing beliefs or if they lack the knowledge to critically evaluate the information.

Misinformation Spread: In today's digital age, misinformation can spread rapidly through social media and online platforms, making it challenging for individuals to discern truth from falsehood. People may unknowingly fall for lies that are widely circulated and presented as credible.

Lack of Critical Thinking Skills: Some individuals may lack the skills or inclination to critically evaluate information, leading them to accept lies at face value without questioning their validity.

Overall, the willingness to fall for lies instead of the truth can be attributed to a combination of cognitive biases, emotional factors, social influences, and misinformation spread. Encouraging critical thinking, media literacy, and skepticism can help individuals become more discerning consumers of information and less susceptible to falsehoods.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Hypatia: Philosopher, Mathematician, and Astronomer

Hypatia, a remarkable figure of late antiquity, is remembered as a philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer whose legacy transcends the boundaries of her time. Born around 360 AD in Alexandria, Egypt, she was the daughter of Theon, a prominent mathematician and philosopher. Hypatia's upbringing in an environment steeped in intellectual pursuits and learning laid the foundation for her own remarkable achievements.

Despite living in a society where opportunities for women were limited, Hypatia pursued her scholarly interests with fervour. She became renowned as a teacher, attracting students from far and wide to her lectures on mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. Her lectures were not merely academic exercises but vibrant intellectual gatherings where ideas flourished and knowledge was exchanged freely.

Hypatia's contributions to mathematics and astronomy were significant. She edited and improved upon the works of earlier mathematicians, including Euclid and Diophantus, and made notable advancements in geometry and algebra. In astronomy, she developed astrolabes and hydrometers, instruments used for measuring celestial objects and atmospheric conditions.

Beyond her scholarly achievements, Hypatia's influence extended into the realm of philosophy and ethics. She advocated for rational inquiry and critical thinking, emphasizing the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking truth through reason. Her philosophical teachings emphasized virtues such as tolerance, kindness, and intellectual integrity, values that resonated deeply with her students and followers.

Hypatia's intellectual prominence and independent spirit made her a revered figure in Alexandria. However, her influence and popularity also attracted controversy and resentment. As a prominent pagan philosopher in a society undergoing religious upheaval, Hypatia became a target for political and religious factions seeking to undermine her influence.

Tragically, Hypatia's life came to a brutal end in 415 AD during a period of religious tension in Alexandria. She was brutally murdered by a mob, purportedly instigated by religious zealots who viewed her as a symbol of paganism and intellectual resistance. Hypatia's death was not only a personal tragedy but also a loss for humanity's collective intellectual heritage.

Despite her untimely demise, Hypatia's legacy endured. She became a symbol of intellectual courage, independent thought, and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. Her contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy continue to inspire generations of scholars and thinkers, reminding us of the enduring power of reason and the importance of defending intellectual freedom and inquiry.

Friday 23 February 2024

Dihya al-Kahina: The Sorceress Queen Who Defied an Empire

From desert winds to the battlefields of history, Dihya al-Kahina rose as a beacon of resistance. Known by multiple names - Daya, Dahlia, and, most famously, "al-Kahina," meaning "sorceress" - she became a thorn in the side of the mighty Umayyad Caliphate, her victories earning her both fear and admiration.

Born in the rugged Aures mountains, Dihya's youth remains shrouded in mystery. Some whisper of Jewish Berber lineage, others Greek heritage, but all agree on one thing: she possessed an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, studying desert birds with such fervour that she pioneered advancements in North African biology.

By the 7th century, the tide of history had turned. The Byzantine Empire, once rulers of Northwest Africa, crumbled before the Islamic conquest. In the chaos, Dihya, the daughter of a chieftain, emerged as a unifying force. Berber tribes, long fractured, rallied under her banner, hailing her as "Queen of the Berbers."

Her resistance began with whispers and shadows, guerrilla tactics that stung the invaders like desert scorpions. Yet, Dihya craved more. Under her tutelage, the scattered Berber forces morphed into a formidable army, their discipline a testament to her strategic mind.

Fearful of this sorceress queen, Umayyad General Hasan marched south to crush her. But near Meskiana, his boasts turned to ash. Dihya's forces shattered the invaders, sending Hasan fleeing to Libya. Emboldened, she envisioned a new Berber nation, laying the groundwork for a unified administration to support her growing army.

Yet, victory proved fleeting. The Berbers, now the sole obstacle to Islamic dominance, drew the full wrath of the Caliphate. Hasan returned, alliances forged with Dihya's own son, a chilling betrayal. In the ensuing battle, defeat loomed. Some say she chose poison, a defiant queen to the last. Others claim she fell sword in hand, a warrior queen in death.

Dihya's legacy resonates through the ages. While Islamic expansion continued, she remains a symbol of Berber resistance, her name whispered in defiance. More than just a queen, she was a leader who rallied disparate tribes, a strategist who bested seasoned generals, and a figure whose very existence challenged the narrative of her enemies. Whether truly a sorceress or not, Dihya al-Kahina remains an enigma, a queen whose legend continues to inspire awe and admiration, centuries after her reign ended.

Thursday 22 February 2024

The Stone of Scone: A Timeless Journey of Power and Symbolism

Nestled within the ancient walls of Edinburgh Castle lies a seemingly ordinary piece of sandstone, yet imbued with a history both fascinating and tumultuous. This is the Stone of Scone, more commonly known as the Coronation Stone, a silent witness to centuries of power struggles, cultural clashes, and national identities. Its journey, spanning continents and eras, serves as a unique lens through which to understand the complexities of history and the symbolic weight objects can hold.

Origins shrouded in myth:

While its exact origins remain shrouded in legend, the Stone of Scone's earliest tales weave Celtic mythology with historical speculation. Some stories claim it was Jacob's pillow from the Bible, transported to Ireland and eventually Scotland. Others believe it was used for pagan rituals. However, concrete evidence points towards its Scottish roots, likely quarried from Meigle in Perthshire.

Symbol of Scottish sovereignty:

By the 9th century, the Stone of Scone had become firmly rooted in Scottish legend and tradition. It served as the coronation seat for Scottish monarchs, symbolizing their legitimacy and right to rule. Scone Abbey, where the stone resided, became a revered pilgrimage site, solidifying its association with Scottish sovereignty.

English conquest and the stone's capture:

In 1296, during the Wars of Scottish Independence, Edward I of England saw the Stone of Scone as a crucial prize. Seizing it and removing it to Westminster Abbey, he aimed to break the link between the stone and Scottish kingship, asserting his own dominance. For centuries, the stone remained in England, becoming part of the English coronation ceremony and a constant reminder to Scotland of its conquered status.

A contentious return and ongoing debate:

Finally, in 1996, after long negotiations and political pressure, the Stone of Scone was returned to Scotland, marking a symbolic moment of reconciliation. Today, it resides in Edinburgh Castle, where it is usually displayed with the Honours of Scotland, the Scottish crown jewels. However, debate persists about its rightful home, with some advocating for its permanent return to Scone Abbey.

Beyond history: cultural and religious significance:

The Stone of Scone's significance extends far beyond its historical role. For many Scots, it remains a powerful symbol of national identity and cultural heritage. Its return was hailed as a victory for Scottish pride and self-determination. Additionally, the stone holds religious significance for some, particularly Catholics who link it to the coronation chair at Westminster Abbey and the legend of King Arthur.

A piece of the past shaping the future:

The Stone of Scone is more than just a rock; it is a living embodiment of history, tradition, and national identity. Its journey continues to spark debate and inspire curiosity, serving as a reminder of the complex interplay between power, symbolism, and the enduring pull of the past. Whether it rests in Edinburgh Castle or eventually returns to Scone, the Stone of Scone will undoubtedly remain a captivating subject of historical intrigue and cultural significance for generations to come.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Who was Norea and why was her book lost?

Norea was one of the first children born of the newly created Adams and Eves. Adams and Eves were created by mixing the genes of the Serpert Bloodine with those of primitive land apes who hadn't yet evolved, this created modern humans. When this creation started to breed Norea was one of the first to be born. She was said to be extremely beautiful and looked more like a Serpent than the other children.

She had a keen intellect and curiosity about her origins and the magick that the Serpent Bloodline would perform. As a child, she tried to secretly sneak into their ceremonies to watch what was happening. As she became a beautiful young woman she flirted with a seduced a Serpent male and they became lovers, this was of course forbidden.

As a powerful woman, she wanted to know if she could perform the Great Rite and illuminate her lover like the Serpent women would do and so they practised sex magick together.

She fell pregnant and became the mother of the first of the Eagle Bloodline to be born. A child who was stronger in Serpent genes than the other children of the Adams and Eves, who led to the destruction of peace and tranquillity, and led to a world of materialism, war and patriarchy.

Norea wrote about her experiences with Serpent Magick and revealed various gnostic teachings she had been given and her book was included in the early Gnostic scriptures, however, because it contained information the Eagles didn't want anyone to know about, it was destroyed and only the Serpent families who passed information about her through the secret Order know the true story of what happened to her.

When the great flood was due, Noah was told to save some of the Adams and Eves, but not any Eagles. Norea had offered to help Noah build the Arc and thought this would ensure her a place, but when the time came Noah, knowing her past, refused her entry.

Norea was furious about his decision and tried to burn it, but failed. She and her children perished.

What happened to Norea seems like a cruel twist of fate. She was born a hybrid and was very curious about the forbidden side of her lineage. She wanted to know about the magick of the Serpents, but her curiosity led to the downfall of humankind and that of her own and her children.

She lived in a time when her curiosity for these teachings was forbidden for modern humans if only to try to protect them. But she decided to reject the rules and live by her own. She is revered for her courage and yet pitied for her tragic fate.

Queen Teuta: Ruling the Seas with Iron and Wit

In the turbulent waters of the pre-Roman Mediterranean, a fierce ruler rose to prominence: Queen Teuta of the Ardiaean Kingdom. Ruling roughly from 231 to 228 BC, her reign carved a powerful imprint on history, showcasing strategic brilliance, unwavering ambition, and perhaps even a touch of ruthlessness.

Born into a time of rising Illyrian power, Teuta inherited the throne after her husband, Agron, unexpectedly passed away. With a young stepson to protect and a kingdom to defend, she refused to crumble under the weight of responsibility. Instead, she stepped forward, becoming the first known female ruler of Illyria.

Teuta's leadership differed markedly from her predecessors. While others focused on territorial expansion, she emphasized naval supremacy. Under her command, the Illyrian fleet grew in size and prowess, dominating the Adriatic Sea and striking fear into the hearts of coastal populations. Her aggressive tactics, however, drew the ire of the burgeoning Roman Republic, which saw Illyrian piracy as a direct threat to its trade routes and growing influence.

The resulting conflict, known as the Illyrian War, pitted Teuta's cunning against the might of Rome. While ultimately defeated, Teuta's strategic manoeuvres and defiant spirit earned her grudging respect from even her adversaries. Faced with overwhelming Roman forces, she negotiated a treaty, retaining a portion of her kingdom while conceding to Roman demands.

Despite the loss of territory, Teuta's legacy resonated throughout history. She challenged the norms of a male-dominated era, proving that women could not only rule but also excel in traditionally masculine spheres like warfare and diplomacy. Her reign showcased the strategic prowess of the Illyrians and laid the groundwork for their future resurgence.

But Teuta's story remains shrouded in some mystery. History largely remembers her through the lens of Roman sources, often portraying her as a ruthless pirate queen. Modern scholars, however, are re-evaluating her story, considering the political complexities of her time and the potential bias of her enemies.

Was she a fearsome pirate queen, a shrewd defender of her people, or a tragic figure caught in the crossfire of empires? Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between, a journey woven with ambition, strategic brilliance, and the complexities of ruling in a turbulent era. One thing remains certain: Queen Teuta's reign left a mark on history, inspiring both admiration and debate for centuries to come.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Ching Shih: Chinese Pirate Queen

Among the countless chapters of the human saga, the tale of Ching Shih, born Shih Yang in 1775, shimmers as a beacon of resilience. From humble beginnings, she carved her own destiny, a pirate queen whose resilience and daring echoed through the ages.

Raised in the crucible of poverty, her journey began in the sordid confines of Canton's notorious "flower boat" brothels, where survival demanded more than mere beauty—it required cunning and charisma.

It was amidst these bleak circumstances that fate intertwined her destiny with Zheng Yi, a formidable pirate whose reputation preceded him. Their union, forged not in conventional bonds but in mutual respect and ambition, birthed a partnership unlike any other. Ching Shih, boldly negotiated an unprecedented arrangement—claiming an equal share of power and plunder within the Red Flag Fleet.

Her leadership was uncompromising, governed by a code as unyielding as the tempestuous seas they roamed. Loyalty and honesty were esteemed virtues, rewarded generously, while betrayal met swift retribution. Notably, amidst the chaos of piracy, Ching Shih extended a rare grace to female captives, offering them avenues to autonomy unheard of in their time.

Under their joint command, the Red Flag Fleet burgeoned from a modest fleet of 200 vessels to a behemoth armada of 1,800 ships, etching their names in the scrolls of maritime history. The addition of the enigmatic Cheung Po, a young fisherman turned second-in-command, fueled whispers of intrigue and romance within the ranks.

Tragedy struck in 1807 with the untimely demise of Zheng Yi, plunging the fleet into uncertainty. Yet, with steely resolve and cunning stratagem, Ching Shih navigated the treacherous waters of power struggles, solidifying her grip on command. Even in the face of formidable adversaries, she wielded her influence to sway captured sailors to her cause, bolstering the ranks of the Red Flag Fleet to unprecedented heights.

But as the shadows of imperial retribution loomed large, Ching Shih faced a pivotal crossroads. Faced with overwhelming odds, she chose a calculated retreat, accepting the Emperor's offer of amnesty in 1810. Yet, her retirement years were far from mundane, marked by prosperity and familial bonds. She embraced domesticity, forging new alliances through marriage, and diversifying her ventures with ventures into gambling houses and the salt trade.

In her twilight years, she cast her gaze back upon the tumultuous seas of her youth, founding a brothel that echoed with her past, albeit on her own terms. And so, at the age of 69, Ching Shih departed this world as she had lived—in defiance of expectations, surrounded by the wealth of her legacy and the embrace of her kin.

The Black Fleet and the Lioness of Brittany: A Tale of Vengeance and Fury

Born into luxury in 1300s France, Jeanne de Clisson's life took a sharp turn at 12 with an arranged marriage. Though young, she bore two children. But it was her second marriage that ignited love's flame. Olivier de Clisson, a brave Breton warrior, became her true partner, enriching their lives with five children.

Olivier fought valiantly against English incursions, earning the French King Philip VI's trust. Yet, in the fickle tides of politics, suspicion brewed. In 1343, fueled by whispers and convenient scapegoating, King Philip had Olivier falsely accused and executed.

Grief morphed into fury in Jeanne's heart. Vowing revenge, she sold her lands and built a fearsome fleet – black ships with blood-red sails, manned by mercenaries. The "Black Fleet" became her instrument of vengeance.

Her first victims were a French ship's crew. Most met a brutal end, with Jeanne herself participating in the act. A chilling trademark emerged: sparing a few sailors to carry her message to the king - the tale of their demise and her unyielding wrath.

Soon, "Lioness of Brittany" echoed across Europe. Allied with the English, she relentlessly hunted French ships, inspecting even neutral vessels for Frenchmen. Nobles, considered betrayers, received no mercy. While King Philip and Charles de Bois, the key targets, remained elusive, Jeanne's reign of terror crippled the French.

Years of vengeance followed Philip's death in 1350. Her fury wasn't just personal; it had morphed into a crusade against the entire French establishment. But by 1356, perhaps due to waning rage, fear of losing support, or a yearning for peace, Jeanne retired.

She married an advisor to the English king, finding solace in England. Later, she returned to France, finally finding peace in 1359. While King Philip and Charles de Bois met different fates, Jeanne's relentless pursuit of vengeance etched her name in history as a formidable force.

Hero or villain? History paints her in shades of grey. But one thing's certain: the Black Fleet and its fearless captain instilled fear in their enemies, ensuring Jeanne de Clisson, the Lioness of Brittany, would never be forgotten.

Esoteric Secrets of Synchronicities

Synchronicities, those seemingly meaningful coincidences that occur in our lives, have long fascinated and intrigued both mystics and scientists alike. While some may dismiss them as mere chance, others perceive synchronicities as glimpses into a deeper, interconnected reality. Within the realm of esotericism, there exists a belief that synchronicities are not random occurrences, but rather messages from the universe, guiding us along our spiritual journey.

At the heart of this belief is the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and that there are hidden patterns and meanings woven into the fabric of reality. Synchronicities are seen as moments when these patterns briefly reveal themselves, offering us insights into the underlying order of existence.

One of the key concepts in understanding the esoteric significance of synchronicities is the idea of correspondence, as above, so below. This principle suggests that there is a fundamental harmony between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual). Synchronicities are seen as reflections of this cosmic order, serving as signposts that we are aligned with the larger flow of life.

Esoteric traditions also emphasize the role of consciousness in shaping reality. According to these teachings, our thoughts and intentions have the power to influence the world around us, and synchronicities may be seen as manifestations of this interplay between mind and matter. In other words, synchronicities can be interpreted as feedback from the universe, indicating that we are in resonance with our deepest desires and intentions.

Furthermore, synchronicities are often seen as invitations to pay attention, to become more attuned to the subtle messages of the universe. By noticing and reflecting on synchronicities, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos. They may also serve as confirmation that we are on the right path, affirming our choices and decisions.

However, interpreting synchronicities can be a deeply personal and subjective process. What may appear as a significant coincidence to one person may hold little meaning for another. Thus, it is important to approach synchronicities with an open mind and a willingness to explore their potential significance.

In conclusion, while synchronicities may appear mysterious and enigmatic, they can also be seen as invitations to delve deeper into the hidden dimensions of reality. By embracing synchronicities as meaningful messages from the universe, we can open up to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Monday 19 February 2024

Earth's Magnetic Field: A Fading Force

The Earth's Magnetic Field is fading, but there is no cause for panic.

Our planet's magnetic field, the invisible shield guarding us from harmful solar particles, is showing signs of weakness. Compared to 1845, when scientists started monitoring it, it's about 10% feebler. If this trend continues, the field could even flip, causing compasses to point south instead of north.

Hollywood, ever eager for disaster narratives, has already spun this real-world phenomenon into "The Core," where a collapsing magnetic field wreaks havoc. But scientists assure us such apocalyptic visions are unfounded.

"Magnetic reversals have happened before, and life didn't stop," says Gary Glatzmaier, an expert on Earth's magnetic field. He and his colleagues are studying this gradual weakening to understand the geodynamo, the churning mechanism deep within Earth that creates and maintains the field.

This geodynamo shields us from the sun's charged particles by deflecting them towards the poles. Without it, Earth would be exposed to more cosmic radiation, potentially disrupting power grids, scrambling spacecraft communication, and even widening ozone holes. Some animal species, like birds and turtles, also rely on the magnetic field for navigation.

However, scientists emphasize that even without the field, life would persist. "There are natural fluctuations, some small, some large," says Peter Olson, a geophysicist. "The large ones, from geological records, are associated with reversals." These reversals happen, on average, every 200,000 years, though the intervals vary greatly. The last one occurred 780,000 years ago.

A pole reversal could still have some impacts, though not necessarily as dramatic as Hollywood portrays. Here's a breakdown:

Potential effects:

Without the magnetic field's full shielding, some additional high-energy particles from the sun and cosmos could reach Earth's surface. This could potentially:

  • Disrupt satellites and electronics: Increased radiation could damage sensitive electronics on satellites and spacecraft, affecting communication and navigation systems.

  • Harm human health: While the atmosphere provides some protection, extended exposure to higher radiation levels could slightly increase the risk of cancer and other health problems. However, the increase wouldn't be significant enough to cause widespread harm. 

  • Disruption to animal navigation: Some animals, like birds and turtles, use the magnetic field for navigation. A reversal could temporarily confuse them, but they would likely adapt over time. 

  • Geomagnetic storms: The reversal process itself might involve periods of more intense geomagnetic storms, causing auroras to be more frequent and potentially affecting power grids in some regions.

While the weakening trend is real, Glatzmaier assures us it's a slow process, "on a timescale of thousands of years." So, no need to panic! However, future generations might witness a reversal, and by then, scientists hope to have a deeper understanding and be better prepared for any effects.

The geodynamo is believed to be powered by the churning of Earth's molten iron core. As the hot inner core heats the liquid outer core, the fluid expands and rises, generating electric currents and, consequently, a magnetic field. Additional currents are created by Earth's cooling and rotation.

These currents constantly replenish the field, but sometimes, a new field can line up in the opposite direction, weakening the overall field. If this process continues, the original field could be overwhelmed, leading to a collapse and potential reversal. However, Glatzmaier believes it's more likely the original field will regain strength and overcome the instability.

So, while Earth's magnetic field is indeed showing signs of weakness, it's a gradual process, and there's no immediate cause for alarm. Future generations might witness a reversal, but by then, science will hopefully be better equipped to handle any potential consequences.

Grace O'Malley: Pirate Queen of Ireland

Grace O'Malley, often hailed as the Pirate Queen of Ireland, was a legendary figure whose audacious exploits and indomitable spirit have made a lasting impact on history. Born in the 16th century into a seafaring clan along the rugged western coast of Ireland, Grace defied the conventions of her time to become one of the most powerful and revered figures of her era.

Grace O'Malley, also known as Gráinne Mhaol in Irish Gaelic, was born around 1530 into the powerful O'Malley clan, rulers of the western Irish province of Connacht. From an early age, Grace exhibited a fierce independence and a natural affinity for the sea, nurtured by her seafaring family and the rugged coastline of her homeland.

As a young woman, Grace defied societal expectations and maritime norms by taking to the seas alongside her father and brothers, fearlessly commanding their fleet of ships and engaging in trade, fishing, and piracy along the treacherous waters of the Atlantic. Her exploits earned her a reputation as a skilled sailor, a cunning strategist, and a petrifying adversary to those who dared to cross her path.

Grace's defiance of English rule and her refusal to submit to the authority of Queen Elizabeth I brought her into direct conflict with the English crown. Despite facing numerous challenges and betrayals, Grace fiercely defended her homeland and her people, leading daring raids against English settlements and military outposts along the Irish coast.

In addition to her prowess as a warrior and a seafarer, Grace was also a shrewd diplomat and strategist, forging alliances with rival clans and European powers to bolster her position and protect her interests. Her diplomatic acumen and leadership skills earned her the respect and admiration of her allies and adversaries alike.

Grace O'Malley's legacy as the Pirate Queen of Ireland endures to this day, immortalized in folklore and literature. Her fearless defiance of authority, her unwavering commitment to her people, and her remarkable achievements in a male-dominated world continue to inspire generations of women and men around the world.

Grace O'Malley, the Pirate Queen of Ireland, remains a towering figure in history, embodying the essence of fortitude, bravery, and unwavering resolve amidst life's challenges. Her remarkable journey and lasting influence stand as a poignant reminder of humanity's resilience and the unstoppable force of those who bravely chart their own course against all odds.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Esoteric Symbolism of Solomon's Temple & Hoshen

Solomon's Temple, also known as the First Temple, holds significant historical and religious importance in Judaism. According to biblical accounts, King Solomon commissioned the construction of this temple in Jerusalem during the 10th century BCE. While its physical structure and historical context are well-documented, interpretations of its esoteric meaning vary among religious and mystical traditions.

Solomon's Temple was renowned for its grandeur and opulence. It was constructed with the finest materials, including cedar wood, gold, and precious stones, reflecting Solomon's wealth and power.

The temple housed the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, symbolizing the presence of God among the Israelites.

The temple was divided into several chambers, including the Holy of Holies, where the Ark was placed, the Holy Place, and outer courts. Each area had specific ritualistic and symbolic significance.

In esoteric traditions, Solomon's Temple is often seen as a microcosm of the universe, representing the harmonious order of creation. Its layout and architectural elements are believed to mirror celestial and cosmic principles, reflecting the divine plan.

Some esoteric interpretations view the construction and rituals of the temple as allegorical representations of spiritual initiation and transformation. Initiates would ascend through various stages of purification and enlightenment, symbolized by the temple's architecture and rituals.

The materials used in the construction of the temple hold symbolic significance in esoteric teachings. For example, gold represents spiritual purity and enlightenment, while cedar wood symbolizes strength and resilience.

In mystical traditions, the temple is sometimes interpreted as a metaphor for the human body. Just as the temple housed the divine presence, the human body is seen as a vessel for spiritual realization and communion with the divine.

The temple's dualistic elements, such as the separation between the Holy of Holies and the outer courts, are interpreted as symbolizing the unity of opposites—divine and mundane, inner and outer, spiritual and material.

According to some esoteric interpretations, Solomon's Temple represents an eternal blueprint for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Its construction and rituals serve as timeless guides for seekers on the path of inner transformation.

Overall, Solomon's Temple holds rich symbolism and esoteric significance beyond its historical and religious dimensions. It continues to inspire seekers and mystics across various traditions, it initiates contemplation on the nature of divinity, creation, and spiritual evolution.

The Priestly Breastplate

The Priestly Breastplate, also known as the Breastplate of Judgment, holds a central place in Jewish tradition and symbolism. Described in the Hebrew Bible as part of the priestly garments worn by the High Priest of Israel, it was adorned with twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Beyond its historical and religious significance, the Breastplate has been interpreted in esoteric and mystical traditions, incorporating symbolism related to gemstones, zodiac signs, and celestial mysteries.

The Breastplate was adorned with twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These gemstones were arranged in four rows of three stones each, mounted on a square piece of cloth.

According to biblical accounts, the names of the twelve tribes were engraved on the gemstones, symbolizing the unity and coherence of the Israelite community before God.

In esoteric interpretations, each gemstone of the Breastplate is associated with one of the twelve zodiac signs, reflecting cosmic influences and archetypal energies. For example, the emerald may represent Taurus, while the sapphire corresponds to Virgo. The arrangement of gemstones on the Breastplate corresponds to the zodiacal order, reflecting cosmic harmony and balance. The 12 tribes are merely an allegory of this.

Gemstones are also associated with specific planetary energies in esoteric traditions. The alignment of gemstones with celestial bodies further deepens their symbolic significance within the Breastplate.

In Kabbalistic tradition, the Breastplate is associated with the 72 Hebrew letters derived from permutations of the Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God). These letters hold mystical significance and are believed to contain divine power and wisdom.

I have talked about 72 before and its significance, and here we also have a connection between the 72 letters of the Breastplate and the 72 extra star constellations beyond the traditional twelve zodiac signs. These additional constellations are seen as representing hidden dimensions of the cosmos and spiritual realms.

The association of the Breastplate with the 72 letters and extra star constellations reflects a deeper understanding of celestial mysteries and the interconnectedness of the material and spiritual worlds. It suggests that the Breastplate serves as a bridge between earthly realities and higher realms of consciousness.

As discussed before 7+2=9 the number of completion.

In summary, the Priestly Breastplate holds profound esoteric symbolism, incorporating gemstones, zodiac signs, and celestial mysteries. Its allegory with the twelve tribes of Israel, planetary energies, and mystical numbers underscores its significance as a sacred artefact imbued with cosmic meaning and spiritual power.

Dangerous Gurus

This morning, I watched a clip of a self-proclaimed alien channeller spewing nonsense to an audience of hundreds. He told a woman who had been vegan for 10 years and her health declined so much that she started to eat meat again and her health returned, that her health problems stemmed from a lack of spiritual advancement, blaming her for not thriving on the vegan diet he is pushing. It left me wondering: how do these "gurus" gain such platforms to spread such harmful misinformation?

But I already knew the answer, unfortunately, it is clear: they prey on confusion and vulnerability. They weave elaborate narratives, laden with Eagle lies, to manipulate and exploit their audience. This can have serious consequences, including damaging people's health and fostering self-blame.

But here's the truth: you are never the problem. Don't let these charlatans convince you otherwise. Centuries of distorted narratives have aimed to mislead and control. The key is to break free from their grip and trust your own inner wisdom. Stop seeking answers from external sources and connect with your authentic self.

Remember, you are capable and empowered. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Serpent Bloodline Diet: O Rh Negative Blood

Here I am going to talk about the diet of our ancient Serpent Bloodline ancestors. Knowing what our ancient ancestors ate will give us clues on what diet suits us best today. This information will be especially relevant to those of you with O rh negative blood. For the rest of the article, I will call us Neanderthals, as that is something more recognised in modern times.

The prehistoric relatives of modern humans inhabited Eurasia for hundreds of thousands of years. Understanding their diet and food-gathering habits is crucial for grasping their way of life.

Neanderthals were primarily carnivorous, with meat constituting a significant portion of their diet. They hunted large game animals such as mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, bison, deer, and wild boar. These animals provided them with substantial protein and fat, essential for survival in harsh Ice Age environments.

They were adaptable hunters, exploiting various prey species depending on availability and seasonality. They engaged in ambush hunting, using their strength and intelligence to bring down large animals.

While Neanderthals were predominantly carnivorous, they also supplemented their diet with berries, nuts, and mushrooms.

Fish and other seafood were also a big part of their diet whenever they were near the sea or a river, they would catch and eat plenty of fish. A testament to their evolutionary aquatic ape days. Although spears and other tools would have been used for catching fish, they would spend a lot of time in the water, sometimes catching fish with their bare hands as they swam past. Indeed this is why our fingers wrinkle up in water, it gives a good grip for catching the fish and throwing them out onto the side.

Neanderthals were proficient in controlling fire, enabling them to cook meat and fish. Cooking would have made food easier to digest, unlocked nutrients, and potentially reduced the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Safe Foods

Meat - Beef, pork, lamb, duck, chicken, venison, goat (most meats are fine).

Fish & Seafood.

Eggs, goat milk, cream, cheese, butter.

Berries, nuts, mushrooms.


Foods to Avoid

Grains, including wheat, oats, rice, corn, barley, sorghum, rye, and millet.

Legumes, including lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts.

Carbs, anything with high carbohydrate or sugar.

Foods in Moderation



Raw honey

Herbs & Spices

Hunting and Food Gathering Habits

Neanderthals were social beings, engaging in group activities such as hunting. Cooperative hunting would have allowed them to tackle larger prey more effectively, share resources, and strengthen social bonds within their communities.

Although both males and females participated in the hunting when women were pregnant or nursing, they would instead spend their time collecting berries and mushrooms. Everyone played their part and helped one another for the good of the tribe.

Neanderthals were skilled toolmakers, crafting stone tools such as handaxes, spears, and scrapers. These tools were vital for butchering animals, processing hides, and extracting bone marrow. Their sophisticated tool kit reflects their adaptability and intelligence.

Neanderthals were nomadic, following the migratory patterns of their prey and adapting to changes in climate and vegetation. They moved across landscapes in search of food resources, setting up temporary campsites and utilizing natural shelters. They knew that moving about made sure that no one area would become depleted of resources and that leaving the area they hunted and moving on gave it time to replenish.

Neanderthals were adept at exploiting their surroundings for resources beyond food. They utilized bones, antlers, and other materials for toolmaking, crafted clothing and shelter from animal hides, and used medicinal plants for treating ailments.

Neanderthals inhabited diverse habitats, from the icy tundra of northern Europe to the temperate forests of the Mediterranean. Their ability to adapt their hunting and gathering strategies to different environments contributed to their success as a species for hundreds of thousands of years.

They kept a few goats and chickens for milk and eggs, but they did not need to or want to keep other animals. Farmed animals are never as healthy to eat, wild, free-range animals that find their own food are always much healthier and therefore better for our health when we eat them.

I am asked about the eating of pork because it is banned in religious texts. Wild boar played a very big part of the Neanderthal diet and was highly prized. You can also see this in ancient art and they carried this on to more modern times where we see the symbolism in Pictish art too. Wild boar was a respected and much-prized animal in the ancient world. The only reason it was ever not eaten was merely because of laziness, yes that is right, wild boar needed to be hunted and were near impossible to keep. Not only because they would break out of any cage they were put in, but also because having them around was dangerous. They can kill people. These days we have farmed pigs that are not dangerous and hardly resemble wild boar at all. The religious texts do not imply they are bad to eat, just dangerous to keep around and farm, when there are other milder mannered and easier to control animals. And pigs are clean animals, believe it or not, they don't want to roll about in their own muck, but when a pig is kept in a cage and the sun is beating down on them, they have no option than to do that to keep cool. Indeed, keeping pigs in small cages is cruel, they are very intelligent creatures.

In summary, Neanderthals were skilled hunters and gatherers who relied on a fish and meat-based diet supplemented with berries, nuts and mushrooms. Their adaptive behaviours, social cooperation, and technological innovations allowed them to thrive in various environments during the harsh conditions of the Pleistocene epoch.