
Thursday 9 May 2024

Kalbelia | Cobra Gypsies

The Kalbelia, also known as the "Cobra Gypsies" are a nomadic community in India with a unique lifestyle deeply intertwined with the art of snake charming. They are traditionally known for their expertise in handling snakes and their distinctive dance form, which mimics the movements of serpents.

The Kalbelia community primarily resides in the desert regions of Rajasthan. They are nomadic tribespeople who roam the countryside with their families, living off the land and relying on their skills in snake charming, music, and dance for their livelihood.

Kalbelia men are responsible for capturing and handling snakes, while the women are renowned for their captivating dance style known as the "Snake Dance", which involves graceful movements, rhythmic footwork, and intricate gestures. Adorned in vibrant costumes embellished with mirrors and embroidery, they sway and undulate their bodies in a mesmerizing display that evokes the elegant movements of cobras.

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