
Tuesday 19 March 2024

Conflict is good for you!

Why is conflict often viewed through a negative lens? In reality, it serves as a crucible for self-discovery, revealing our core values and testing the strength of our convictions. When faced with opposition, we're presented with an opportunity to reassess our beliefs and discard those that fail to withstand scrutiny.

Rather than clinging stubbornly to our opinions and resenting those who challenge them, we should embrace the realization that truth isn't always aligned with our perceptions. It's through this process of confrontation and reflection that we uncover our authentic selves, distinguishing between what we genuinely hold dear and what we've merely adopted through societal conditioning.

Those who flee at the first sign of disagreement demonstrate an unwillingness to confront their own fallibility. Instead of shying away from conflict, we should embrace it as a catalyst for growth and self-awareness. After all, it's only by confronting opposing viewpoints that we can truly evolve and refine our understanding of the world and ourselves.

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