
Friday 8 March 2024

The Mysteries Surrounding Enochian Magick

Where does Enochian Magick come from?

John Dee was a great Magickian active in the time of Elizabeth I. In fact, he advised Elizabeth on many matters, including Spanish activities against England, which helped him survive in a time when, without great patronage, he would have been condemned as a Sorcerer. 

John Dee, together with his colleague, Edward Kelly, over a long period of time, contacted, via Scrying, what they called ‘angels’ and managed to receive from these angels a system and language for the correct application of magick. As it is connected to the book of Enoch, the whole system and language are called Enochian. 

What is Enochian Magick?

The language is in the form of a grid. The grid was received by Kelley in June 25th, 1584, one 12 x13 watchtower at a time and these watchtowers were joined by the Black Cross. 

This is basically the account of these happenings from John Dee’s notes and diaries and if we take them as is, rather than allowing for any magickal blinds or false trails for the masses, then Kelley was never able to duplicate this information he received while in trance and consequently Dee never got the opportunity to go over and correct the tablets where necessary.

However, if we note, with historical hindsight, that Dee often ‘lies’ (usually for an explicable reason) in the material surrounding the angelic conversations, then it becomes easier to correct the great table.

Also, the angels gave the names of the angelic governors and the 91 provinces of the world these governors were supposed to control. Taking the system at face value, it becomes apparent that the angelic governors are supposed to influence certain parts of this world and their governments. 

About one month on from when Dee transcribed the angelic governors, Kelly, on the summer solstice, had a dream. He dreamed about four massive Watchtowers that controlled the Earth. These Watchtowers are represented as the four 12 x 13 grids which, when connected by a Black Cross, form the ‘Great Table’.

So what is Enochian Magick actually about?

The Watchtowers represent the four elements - Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The Table of Union which is placed on the centre altar represents the 5th element - Spirit.

Like all systems of magick the main reason behind it is to tap into unused parts of our minds. As we naturally only use a tiny percentage of our brains and calling on these angels and daemons is calling on parts of our brain we don't use. The bad parts that cause addictions and destructive personality traits are taken under control by the Magickian, leaving the Magickian more prepared to call on he good parts of their brain, the angels, and get those parts of their brain working for them. Discovering our own inner genius.

The Magickian on the road to enlightenment will 'Scry' all the Enochian Aethyrs and be given clues about what to do next on their path to help them find where they should be going. The angels will show symbols, tarot cards, give numbers, show all kinds of wonderful imagery.

Using the information found out from the angels the Magickian then uses Gematria, Kabbalah and other tables of correspondence to find out exactly where they are on their map to enlightenment - tree of life.

All Magickians have their own Angels and Daemons, Enochian, Goetia and other systems are created by others for their own workings. They can be used by others, but a real Magickian will know the names of all their own angels and daemons and will keep their own records.

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