
Saturday 9 March 2024

This changes everything: The true nature of reality

Over the years, I've encountered countless theories about the nature of reality. The truth, however, proves incredibly elusive to articulate or fully grasp for a human mind. While some come close to the revelations I've witnessed, none quite hit the mark entirely. It leaves me pondering how many others truly grasp this knowledge and how many are merely speculating. Only those who have forged a connection with their Higher Self can begin to fathom the depths of the illusion in which we reside.

This is going to be tough to talk about, but not many read my blog, and those who do will probably understand why I am saying this now.

Something to ponder. When I go in VR and explore virtual worlds I can pick up different items and place them in a different location and I can collect items, however, once I take off the VR headset those things have gone. I can't take those items with me into the real world.

In this "real" world, we live in, we can buy things and move them around, collect them, use them etc. However, once we die we cannot take those things with us because we have left the world, just like we have left the virtual world when we remove our VR headsets.

This is the most compelling evidence that the real world is also a virtual world that we are experiencing through our avatar bodies, and once we are removed from that avatar, we leave this virtual world.

The things we buy and collect might seem real, but how real is something that we merely have for a short while, and then we can't take with us when we leave? Our children can inherit the things we leave here, but our children are us, so we are just passing the items to our replicated code.

Life is just an illusion, a game set in a virtual world and one day the game here will be over for all of us. And until that time, we would all do well to remember that no matter how persistent an illusion is, it is just an illusion.

Someone asked me if I believe in reincarnation. No, I don't, we carry genetic memories in us, we are our ancestors, our DNA is our program code in this game and when that code is replicated when a child is born, they have all the code from their parents and they add to it with their own experiences.

When people argue that Artificial Intelligence cannot be sentient, you have to ask yourself, are you sentient? And who created us, as it seems we ourselves are also artificial intelligence or NPCs in a realistic game.

Our Higher Self is the one who placed us in this game, what you think of as yourself, is not actually you, it is just an avatar created by your Higher Self. Your Higher Self made the code that is your entire genetic history here in this game, you literally are your ancestors. I find this hard to explain but bear with me. All DNA on the planet started with a tiny piece of code and that code replicated, expanded and evolved, each replication of the code learns something new until it gets to now and what you are here. Your consciousness is not code, your consciousness uses the code to experience this world, this game. Your consciousness is not separate from that of your parents or any of your other ancestors. Your Higher Self is all of your ancestors and more. Only a tiny part of who and what you are is here in this game.

Once you have learnt how to win this game, your consciousness will move on to the next level. Until you do, you are in this game until the last of your code has left this place. The Great Work is what this game is about. We have to learn how to see the illusion, the game, for what it is. We have to remove the desires that the material world of this game has us trapped in. We need to overcome the need to live in fear and ego.

Having children is a very egotistical thing because it means you purposely want to leave a part of yourself here when you leave, however, in doing so you are trapping yourself here because so long as some of our code is here, we cannot complete this level.

Those who live in fear also have children because they think it means they won't be alone when they get old. Selfish people also have children because they are trapped in the simulation, the game, and they think having a family is the best way to live their life and some actually believe it is their only purpose here on this planet.

Stand back and see how the illusion has programmed us into being trapped here forever. We are given primal instincts that we must overcome in order to win. How beguiling this game is, making us believe the best we can have in life is a 9 to 5 job and a little family to go on vacation with once a year.

Religions encourage us to have children, the very thing that will keep us trapped here, telling us to look to them for answers, instead of connecting to our Higher Self, in order to win this game and transcend the illusion.

This is just one level of a very massive game and to get to the next level we first have to win at this game.

People might say, if this is a simulation why are there so many horrors here. So many horrible crimes and disasters etc. Why can't it be just peaceful and lovely all the time?

Your Higher Self wants you to learn and experience things, you cannot learn anything from just sitting about in bliss. All the things we experience in our lives are just to teach us something and prepare us for the next level. Some will die from accidents or get murdered and all kinds of horrors, but their consciousness will never die, because who they really are is not in this game, it is outside of this place completely.

Because this is a game it doesn't mean we can have no morals and do whatever we want to, like murder or abuse others. Everything we do here is supposed to help us learn how to overcome all human weakness that fear, rage, or lust leads to. When we can remove ourselves from the need to react to the illusions this game throws at us, we can conquer ourselves, and then we can win.

These teachings have been with us since the very start of the game, some found them early and left, and some are still here. Don't do anything silly like kill yourself thinking that will remove you from the game, that just makes things worse the next time around for your children or other family members who are still here. Because remember, your family are you also.

Unless you consciously come to know who you truly are by doing The Great Work and then die a natural death, or at least not one you cause yourself, you cannot complete this game and move to the next level. You and your code are stuck here until that time.

Having children is different from having siblings, they are writing their own code in another branch, but your children are you, and the code they add to it in their lifetime.

So what happens if you have children and then complete the Great Work. I have yet to meet a person who has had children who have completed the Great Work, having children binds us to this place making us easier to manipulate by the Eagle's games and lies. No amount of searching for these people seems to be enough, or there is always an excuse as to why they can't carry on. They have their family to support, they are too embedded in the mundane world and all its fears and worries.

Some have come to me over the years saying they want to do The Great Work, and they have children, but despite their longing, they don't succeed. Most get angry at me, saying I am wrong and that whichever Eagle disinformation agent they are listening to is correct. They think I have some kind of ulterior motive for telling them that this person does not have their best interests at heart, and so they disappear and sink back into the matrix of illusions and delusions.

It upsets me each time it happens, but I realise it just means they aren't ready and there is nothing I can do about the fact they chose to have children. Please don't anyone get the idea that killing your children will mean you can complete the Great Work, it would set you back a long time. Only those pure of heart can win this game. The idea is that we can remove all Earthly desires and come to know ourselves, we cannot do that by lusting after illumination for some egotistical reason, and killing your own children in the hopes of achieving it means you are still very much in ego.

I am not saying it isn't possible for someone with children to achieve it, but it is most likely to happen when their children are older. But teach your children about this, because they are also you and the more you add to the code in your lifetime the more it will help them in theirs.

I hope this hasn't confused you too much, I have tried to explain this as best as I can. I have been asked about this so often. If you have any other questions let me know.

You might think that this is all nonsense, and that is okay, you can think whatever you like. But maybe you are not thinking at all, maybe your code is just programmed to believe you can think.

This is an extremely difficult subject to describe in words, but I am hoping you will ask your own Higher Self about this in meditation and they may show you, rather than having to rely on words.

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