
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Origins of the Mitre

We are often questioned as to why within our Church the Bishops wear a Mitre. Many associate this with Christianity, and especially the Roman Catholic Church.

The Mitre has always been associated with the Mother Goddess and the age of Pisces because both are often represented by the fish. For the past couple thousand years the Mitre has been worn because we are in the age of Pisces, but the fish symbol has always been of the Goddess because water is feminine, it also represents the cosmic vagina of the Vesica Piscis shape, which is used to create the fish symbol of Christianity, because Christianity is the religion of the age of Pisces. We also all start out as fish-type creatures in the womb, floating about in our Mother's waters. So no matter which age we are in, the fish will always be an important symbol of the mysteries.

The Vesica Piscis is such an important symbol with Divine Proportions that match exactly to a woman's vagina. This sacred symbol is the portal which brings life into the world. The fish is also a symbol of parthenogenesis, as fish can reproduce asexually, as women can also when they know how.

The Pope and all other Bishops are wearing the fish head Mitre as they represent the Goddess on Earth. How strange is this seeing as they restrict women and tell them they can not be Priestesses and Bishops themselves? Very. It is all because they want to keep the esoteric truth hidden from the masses, especially women. Many women have no idea how strong and powerful they are spiritually and emotionally compared to the vast majority of men. However, things are starting to change...

From November 2012 KHT newsletter. 

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