
Sunday 26 May 2024

What is your Mercury sign and what does it mean?

Mercury governs how you express yourself verbally and in writing. Its placement can indicate your communication style, whether you are articulate and quick-witted or more reserved and thoughtful.

It represents your intellectual capacity, curiosity, and ability to learn. Its position in your chart can reveal how you approach learning and problem-solving, as well as your areas of intellectual interest.

Mercury influences your decision-making process and how you analyze information. Its placement can indicate whether you rely more on logic and reason or intuition and gut instinct when making choices.

It rules social interaction, including social skills, networking, and social connections. Its placement can shed light on how you interact with others, whether you are outgoing and sociable or more introspective and reserved.

Mercury also governs travel and movement, including short trips, local transportation, and communication during travel. Its position in your chart can indicate your attitudes toward travel and adventure, as well as any challenges you may face in these areas.

In modern astrology, Mercury is associated with technology, including communication devices, computers, and the internet. Its placement can reveal your relationship with technology and how you use communication tools in your daily life.

I am Aquarius Mercury,  how about you?

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