
Monday 20 May 2024

What is your Midheaven sign and what does it mean?

The Midheaven, also known as the Medium Coeli (MC), is one of the four major angles in your natal chart in astrology. It represents the point in the sky directly above you at the moment of your birth and is associated with your career, public image, reputation, and life goals.

It governs your career path, professional ambitions, and aspirations. Its sign placement can indicate the type of career you're drawn to, as well as your potential for success and recognition in your chosen field.

The Midheaven influences your public image, reputation, and how you're perceived by others in the public sphere. Its sign placement can indicate the qualities and traits you project to the world, as well as the type of impression you leave on others.

It represents your life goals, achievements, and aspirations for success. Its sign placement can indicate the areas of life where you're likely to focus your energy and efforts in pursuit of your goals, as well as the level of success you may attain.

The Midheaven is also associated with authority, leadership, and your role in society. Its sign placement can indicate your potential for assuming positions of authority or leadership, as well as your ability to influence others and make a significant impact on the world.

It governs public recognition, fame, and acclaim. Its sign placement can indicate your potential for achieving recognition and fame in your career or chosen field, as well as the level of visibility and success you may attain.

The Midheaven influences your social standing, status, and reputation within your community or social circle. Its sign placement can indicate the level of respect and admiration you receive from others, as well as your standing in society.

It represents your life direction and purpose. Its sign placement can indicate the path you're meant to follow in life, as well as the goals and aspirations that drive you toward personal and professional fulfilment.

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