
Saturday 8 June 2024

The Simulation Loop

Throughout history, inventors who dedicated their lives to advancing technology and enabling human progress often never got to enjoy the fruits of their labour. That privilege falls to us and the generations to come. Yet, as technology evolves, the youth, who inherit these wonders, often show little appreciation for the sacrifices made by their predecessors. Instead, each generation seems to grow more entitled.

As technology advances, it will blur the lines between the virtual and the real, creating a world where we can no longer distinguish one from the other. We find ourselves living in a simulation within a simulation, an eternal fractal where we remain unaware of our entrapment in an ever-deepening spiral of chaos, confusion, and noise—a game within a game, wrapped in layers of an intricate web of illusion.

So absorbed are we in these layers of illusion that the hope of escape appears impossible. Yet, there is a way.

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