
Sunday 16 June 2024

Mother Shipton, Soothsayer and Prophetess

Mother Shipton, was an English soothsayer and prophetess. Often described as a witch and associated with the Rollright Stones of Oxfordshire. A king and his men were said to have transformed to stone after failing her test.

Her birthplace was Knaresborough, Yorkshire, in a cave now known as Mother Shipton's Cave. Ursula's mother Agatha was a 15-year-old orphan, who is said to have fallen under the influences of the Devil, it was said that Agatha herself was a witch and summoned the Devil to conceive a child.

Rumours that Agatha was a witch and Ursula the spawn of Satan were perpetuated, due to the cave's well-known skull-shaped pool, which turned things to stone. Though the effects of the cave's pool are not those of true petrification, they closely resemble the process by which stalactites are formed, coating objects left in the cave with layers of minerals, until they become stone-like.

Today many visit the caves and leave items under the waterfalls turning them to stone.

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