
Friday 21 June 2024

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript often pops up, we are told how mysterious this book is, and that no one can decipher it and many have also come forward and said they have cracked the code. But each time their claims are debunked.

To this Gnostic Bishop who has created many grimoires myself, it seems obvious that this is someone's grimoire. They are written in code for a good reason, to keep our magick workings secret. If anyone should discover our secret musings they would never know what it means because every good magician has their own secret code.

So those who seek to nosy into someone else's magick workings will always come away more confused than enlightened. Our journey of self-discovery is a very personal thing, it is not for the eyes of the mundane.

May good fortune fall on the path of those seekers who dare to journey inside.

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