
Saturday 2 March 2024

What gave harmony and Beauty to the Universe?

Question I was asked:  According to science the universe was created by a big bang.  However, science cannot explain why there is so much harmony and beauty in the natural world.  This is not just opinion, we can mathematically show that Fibonacci numbers, first introduced to the West by Leonardo Fibonacci da Pisa (born 1170-1180) are especially prevalent in the microcosmos and even in the macrocosmos. Presumably, science would expect any explosion to be dominated by chaos, and this may have been the case early on, but at some point, the chaos became more ordered.  What gave harmony to the creation?


The observation of patterns like Fibonacci numbers in nature is indeed fascinating and intriguing. While science provides explanations for many natural phenomena, questions about the underlying order and beauty of the universe remain open to interpretation and exploration.

The concept of emergence in complex systems theory offers one possible explanation for the apparent harmony in nature. Emergence refers to the phenomenon where complex patterns and behaviours arise from relatively simple interactions among components of a system. In the case of the universe, these simple interactions could be the fundamental forces and particles described by physics.

The formation of structures like galaxies, stars, and biological organisms could be seen as emergent properties of the fundamental laws of physics operating over vast scales and timeframes. While chaotic processes like the early universe's expansion after the Big Bang may seem disorderly, the subsequent evolution of structures and systems could follow patterns and exhibit order due to underlying physical laws.

Additionally, the concept of self-organization suggests that systems have an innate tendency to organize themselves into more complex and ordered states. This self-organizing behaviour can lead to the emergence of intricate patterns and structures, even in seemingly chaotic systems.

Furthermore, the anthropic principle in cosmology suggests that the conditions necessary for life, and therefore for the observation of harmony and beauty in the natural world, may be a result of the fine-tuning of fundamental constants and parameters of the universe. In other words, the universe may have evolved in a way that allows for the emergence of complexity and beauty, making life and conscious observation possible.

While science may not provide definitive answers to questions of ultimate purpose or meaning, it offers a framework for understanding and appreciating the beauty and complexity of the universe without the need for supernatural explanations. The exploration of patterns like Fibonacci numbers in nature continues to inspire curiosity and deepen our understanding of the underlying principles that govern the cosmos.

In Hindu mythology, the universe is said to have originated from the primordial sound "Om" or "Aum," which is considered the sacred sound of creation. According to Hindu cosmology, the vibration of this sound initiated the cosmic manifestation, giving rise to the universe and all its forms.

Similarly, in certain branches of mysticism and esoteric teachings, sound is seen as a fundamental aspect of creation and existence. The idea is that sound, in its most subtle and primordial form, carries the power to manifest and shape reality. Through vibrational frequencies, sound is believed to influence the formation and organization of matter and energy.

Indeed through the use of cymatics, we can see how sound can create and form patterns in matter.

Please watch my video on Cymatics or see the article here about it.

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